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Planets (SIM)

Posted: Sat Feb 24, 2018 4:12 am
by SirRanjid

Here's a small planet sim that's quite interactive. At first it was planned to be a doodle but it kept growing.

Code: Select all

[LM] = LEFt Mouse Button
[RM] = RIGHT Mouse Button
[MM] = MIDDLE Mouse Button
[MWU]= Mouse Wheel UP
[MWD]= Mouse Wheel DOWN

[SH] = (L/R)Shift
[CT] = (L/R)Control (CTRL)
[SP] = Space


Hold and drag [LM] to create planet. (+[CT] to create frozen)
Hold and drag [LM] on planet to drag. (+[SH] to drive planet or set speed when paused)
When dragging a planet you can (un-)freeze with +[RM].

Hold and drag [RM] on a planet to create orbiter. (+[SH] to invert initial speed)

Hold [MM] to remove all planets.

[MWU]/[MWD] to in-/decrease weight.
[MWU]/[MWD] + [SH] to in-/decrease travel-time/speed.
[MWU]/[MWD] + [CT] to in-/decrease radius.

[SP] to un-/pause.
[TAB] to toggle info.

Creating an orbiting planet:

Plan crashes when paused:

Driving a planet ([LM] + [SH]):

Dragging and freezing:

Re: Planets (SIM)

Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:40 pm
by Hydrogen Maniac
This is pretty neat, sorta relaxing and pretty fun at the same time. The only thing that's really 'missing' is the ability for planets to damage eachother when they collide. Aside from that I wish it didn't start in fullscreen and I'm not sure if there's a proper way to close it aside from pressing alt-f4. Anyways great job overall :awesome: .

Re: Planets (SIM)

Posted: Sat Mar 31, 2018 1:21 pm
by SirRanjid
Thanks :) I also thought about them damaging each other but just went with a particle/shader effect.
Actually I still wanna make them crack and fracture. But I can't edit the circle shapes and I'm not sure about using polygons(performance and looks wise).
Yeah disabling fullscreen is just as DIY(in the conf.lua).