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Re: Recent Lua Library Findings

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 4:21 pm
by jcw
Penlight looks cool, so does the polygon clipping lib.

A macro system for Lua:

After dabbling in Scheme/Lisp and Io, I've been craving some metaprogramming facilities in Lua. I find myself repeating code that could be abstracted away with macros. Has anyone else looked into this?

Re: Recent Lua Library Findings

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 8:06 pm
by Star Crunch
jcw wrote: After dabbling in Scheme/Lisp and Io, I've been craving some metaprogramming facilities in Lua. I find myself repeating code that could be abstracted away with macros. Has anyone else looked into this?
You ought to take a look at Metalua.

Others along the same lines include LuaFish (mentions a couple other projects in the post, too), and luaSub, by the Lanes author.


Luiz has quite a few tools in addition to the polygon clipping binding, available at his page:
