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Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:13 am
by Positive07
I decided that I hate this Andrew guy, he is an idiot, go develop Grid somewhere else, we don't need selfish people around here.


Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 2:18 am
by shakesoda
positive07: please keep that out of this thread.


Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:46 am
by Positive07
Yeah sorry, it's just that "not happy with LÖVE's direction" and "doesn't have very many strong developers" ticked me off. I'll refrain for further aggression. Again sorry


Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 9:42 am
by raidho36
There was indeed no reason for that. Not being happy with the framework direction is only an opinion; karai and shakesoda aren't happy with it either (LÖVE3D-wise anyway). It's OK to disagree. As for the other statement, it's an observation. Maybe he didn't knew about the cluster of skilled programmers existing mostly inconspicuously and based that assertion on the evident abundance of low skilled users (newcomers and the like) , regular for any game engine or framework.


Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2016 1:08 pm
by Positive07
Yes I said I was sorry, it's just that I saw his complains in the issue tracker too and well...

LÖVE has a huge income of constant new commers because it's such an easy framework to start programmers but I know you raidho, shakesoda, Karai, Robin, Yonaba, Kikito, Slime, Bartbes and many others are really experienced developers.

Anyway let's not dreail this, I already said I was sorry and that the aggression was too much and I will refrain from it from now onwards


Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 7:09 pm
by 4aiman
Wait, no future for love3d?.. :(
What about lua-bgfx? Will at least Lua part stay?

Have rushed to test it but stuck with non-working demo. Here and there mat4 fails to find this or that. :)
And the only thing I've changed was the path to cpml.
Not sure how to use it to draw a perspective deformed rectangle (Yeah, "discussed more than it should", but after 10 hours of lurking I see no working solution for love2d. Fix Perspective.lua? Anyone?).


Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 2:29 am
by shakesoda
I still use love3d for LD stuff and tests for the time being, so it is still supported.

here's a quick example, includes basic animation + some lib updates too (excuse my low quality model from LD37, it's just one of the smaller models I have on hand for this)

src/init.lua is fairly close to the smallest practical example of love3d + anim9. includes a few imgui controls to change animation and inspect the anim data

to draw a perspective deformed rectangle you'd make a love mesh with your vertices and send some matrices to your shader, like so

Code: Select all

local m = cpml.mat4():identity()
m:translate(m, cpml.vec3(0, 0, -10)
m:rotate(m, pitch, cpml.vec3.unit_x)
m:rotate(m, heading, cpml.vec3.unit_z)

local w, h =
local p = cpml.mat4.from_perspective(45, w/h, 0.1, 1000.0)
shader:send("u_model", m:unpack())
shader:send("u_projection", p:unpack())
and use it in the vertex shader like so

Code: Select all

uniform mat4 u_model, u_projection;
vec4 position(mat4 _, vec4 vertex) {
	return u_projection * u_model * vertex;

Thanks! (But I'm still too stupid)

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:30 am
by 4aiman
Thanks for the reply, shakesoda!
The demo you supplied works like a charm :)
But the thing is, I don't understand neither the demo nor what should I do to get a deformed rectangle as I know next to nothing about shaders.
It hurts to be forced to either learn shaders for doing such a trivial task or to learn a whole new framework/engine.
Have tried over dozen in the past 12 hours... there's no equivalent to love2d in 3d world in terms of awesomeness. :(

Re: Thanks! (But I'm still too stupid)

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:45 am
by MasterLee
4aiman wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2017 8:30 am Have tried over dozen in the past 12 hours... there's no equivalent to love2d in 3d world in terms of awesomeness. :(
Have you tried GeeXLab or polydraw (Which is derived from Ken Silvermans EVALDRAW)?

Re: Thanks! (But I'm still too stupid)

Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 10:26 am
by 4aiman
MasterLee wrote: Sun Mar 12, 2017 9:45 amHave you tried GeeXLab or polydraw (Which is derived from Ken Silvermans EVALDRAW)?
Haven't heard of polydraw, looks interesting, but it seems it's Windows-oriented. That just won't do nowadays.
As for GeekXLab - I already got it, but still haven't tried. it's on my "todo" list. Current project "Polycode" looks good but lacks documentation and support. Something like GLScene would be ideal. I may well end up being forced to open up Lazarus once more.

Anyway, thanks for your time, MasterLee :)
Not only Love2d is awesome, but it has an awesome community :)

Edit: have found scutheotaku's raycaster engine which can draw perrspective w/o shaders and/or excessive math. Will look into it.

I have a question: does some up-to-date (more or less) fork of love2d with 3d-specific commits exist?

Edit 2: Nope, that's just a bunch of 1-pixel-wide quads... :cry: