Simple parsing function replacing required() and dofile() that allows you to use +=, -=, *=, /=, ++ in your lua script

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Simple parsing function replacing required() and dofile() that allows you to use +=, -=, *=, /=, ++ in your lua script

Post by NotWorthy »

Firstly, appologies if such scripts have already been published - cba to search the forum from top to bottom.

So I made a simple code'ie that might help some of you ++ fans cope with the fact lua doesn't really ++
The script basically loads the code from the .lua files and does all the string replacing required to turn "var+=val" into "var=var+val" so that you can use ++ operators without a fuss.

First parameter is the lua file filename (if the string doesn't have .lua at the end, the extension will be added automagically) and the second paramater (if existing) will determine whether (value other than 0) the script will dump the parsed result into a file (with a "dome." prefix into the savedirectory) - or (when value==0) virtually run the lua code dynamically with assert(loadstring())() - The latter is obviously more handy with the production version of your code - but it might be easier to debug your code if you dump the parsed data into files.

handled operators are += -= /= *= ++
the operator -- isn't handled since thats the commenting sequence - however doing a -+ will give you a var-=1 result

I'm open to suggestion if anyone has an idea for optimizing it or making it more useful (thinking of handling ..= soon)

So without further adieu - here is the code - I moved everything i had in my game project from main.lua into main_base.lua and this is everything that is in the main.lua file:

Code: Select all

function dome(fn,toStringV)
  if toStringV and domeVirtual==nil then
    if toStringV==0 then domeVirtual=true
      else domeVirtual=false 

  function escapePattern(cc)
    local sb=string.byte
    if (sb(cc)>=sb("a") and sb(cc)<=sb("z"))
      or (sb(cc)>=sb("A") and sb(cc)<=sb("Z"))
      or (sb(cc)>=sb("0") and sb(cc)<=sb("9"))
      then return cc
      else return "%"
  function getLastVar(ss)
    local sAllowed="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890()[]{}\"'.:_"
    local levUp="])}"
    local levDown="[({"
    local ssCh="\"'"
    local curCh=""
    local allPos=#ss+1
    local sLevel=0
    repeat allPos=allPos-1
      local tch = escapePattern(string.sub(ss,allPos,allPos))
      if curCh=="" then
        if string.match(ssCh,tch) then curCh=string.sub(ss,allPos,allPos) end
        if string.match(levUp,tch) then sLevel=sLevel+1 end
        if string.match(levDown,tch) then sLevel=sLevel-1 end
      elseif string.sub(ss,allPos,allPos)==curCh then curCh="" end
      until not (string.match(sAllowed,tch) or sLevel>0 or curCh~="") 
    return string.sub(ss,allPos+1,#ss)

  local sLegal="  \n\t"..[[
  local fext=string.sub(fn,#fn-3,#fn)
  if not (string.lower(fext) == ".lua") then fn=fn..".lua" end
  local fpath= love.filesystem.getSaveDirectory( )
  local curPos=1
  while string.match(str,"[+-/*][+=]",curPos) do
    local fop=string.match(str,"([+-/*][+=])",curPos)
    local sFi=string.sub(fop,1,1)
    local sSe=string.sub(fop,2,2)
    local fopPos=string.find(str,"([+-/*][+=])", curPos)
    local legalPos=fopPos-1
    while string.match(sLegal,string.sub(str,legalPos,legalPos)) do legalPos=legalPos-1 end
    local sVar = string.sub(str,1,legalPos)
    sVar = getLastVar(sVar)
    if sSe=="=" then
      str = string.sub(str,1,  legalPos - #sVar ) ..sVar.."="..sVar..sFi .. string.sub(str,fopPos+2)
      elseif sSe=="+" then
      str = string.sub(str,1,  legalPos - #sVar ) ..sVar.."="..sVar..sFi.."1" .. string.sub(str,fopPos+2)

  if not domeVirtual then
    else assert(loadstring(str))()

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Re: Simple parsing function replacing required() and dofile() that allows you to use +=, -=, *=, /=, ++ in your lua scr

Post by raidho36 »

Just as with begin-end instead of more conventional brackets, it's but a matter of getting used to. Having to type a few more characters doesn't makes any significant impact on productivity.
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