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Car Demo

Posted: Thu May 24, 2018 8:37 am
by bobbyjones
Using Box2d this tutorial and a random box2d debug draw I created a rudimentary car simulator. This will eventually become a prototype for a game I making, My goal is to make a game inspired from Initial D. I want to eventually add gears, clutch and rpm based speed. The current car can drive around and drift quite effectively but I want it to be better. The patch in the center is a ground area that modifies the friction modifier allowing the vehicle to break traction a lot easier. The code is a mess but it is just a prototype.

I also want to utilize Tiled and STI to create the track. That probably will be the next thing I do. I will eventually create a github repository for the code. This code is released under MIT License btw so you can modify it all you want.