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Re: Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:33 pm
by zapaman
Technically,they don't need to use it! You just have to bundle your game with it and send it to them! Either or do what kongregate does, embedd the game window into an iFrame :)

Re: Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 2:40 pm
by Nixola
Well, the game should be a .swf or .flv file normally, so it's better asking before trying

Re: Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:52 pm
by coffee
Nixola wrote:Well, the game should be a .swf or .flv file normally, so it's better asking before trying
Send a JS/HTML5 game to a game flash dedicated website? That's not natural! :D
Unless they host also JS games that don't seem the case.
Nixola why you don't get a free website with php capability and host there your game?

BTW .flv is usually the "flat" flash video extension so (interactive) games don't use it And .fla is the main source code that some flash game hosting could ask to implement their "ad" or "ladder" API's.

Re: Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:57 pm
by Nixola
One (and only one) of their games was a .flv file... Anyway, I already have a website with php capability, I'm trying to make Play! work there but the webplayer doesn't seem to have sounddatas...
EDIT: setPitch doesn't do anything and source:Stop() isn't implemented...

Re: Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)

Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:55 pm
by ghoulsblade
Nixola wrote:

Code: Select all

notes.soundDatas[i] = love.sound.newSoundData( 22050, 44100, 16, 1)
ah sorry, webplayer cannot handle raw sound data yet, only sound files like .ogg .wav .mp3

Code: Select all

local src ="data/powerup.wav","static") 
src:play() : the webplayer is the same license as löve (see github), so if they want they can do anything they like with it. i'd just appreciate being mentioned and getting some patches if they fix/extend it, but even that's optional. They might not be willing to use it, since it is webgl rather than flash, and making a game work isn't exactly automatic most of the time. They'll also need to get it to work on their own, since when i have time for webplayer, i want to spend it on making more löve api stuff work.
The file formats .swf and .flv are flash. Love2D WebPlayer cannot generate those, it uses javascript+webgl instead of flash.

zapaman wrote:@ ghoulsblade: I'm interested in doing some work on the WebPlayer, since I really see the potential in using Love for web games! Made a github account, going to fork the project and see what I can add/fix!
awesome, looking forward to it =)

coffee wrote:Nixola why you don't get a free website with php capability and host there your game?
no php needed. the php file in github was a contribution to generate the preload list automatically, i haven't even tested if it still works lately. just go with index.html from one of the game-subfolders instead and adjust the preload list.

Re: Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 7:45 pm
by aeonofdiscord
Hola, comrades. This is a pretty cool thing right here!

I wrote a few lines to support graphics.setLineWidth and graphics.setBlendMode (after SiENcE kindly ported my LD24 game over here). Just sent a pull request over on the hub.

Re: Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)

Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2012 10:34 pm
by ghoulsblade
awesome, i'm away tomorrow, but will look into it when i get back =)

Re: Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)

Posted: Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:14 pm
by SiENcE
aeonofdiscord wrote:Hola, comrades. This is a pretty cool thing right here!

I wrote a few lines to support graphics.setLineWidth and graphics.setBlendMode (after SiENcE kindly ported my LD24 game over here). Just sent a pull request over on the hub.


Re: Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)

Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:06 pm
by Bannana97
Does this work with 0.8.0?

Re: Love2D WebPlayer (WebGL)

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2012 9:21 pm
by ghoulsblade
0.8 : shaders and some other things don't work yet in webplayer, but basic stuff works fine : ... are201208/