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[Development Alpha 1.22] Flyer Alpha 1.20

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:33 pm
by vladgalay
Version: Alpha 1.20

That's me again, with my top-down space shooter. Eventually, first level is not in open space, but in training center on Mars. Don't worry, there will be open space levels =)

No bots AI!
No normal levels!
Two types of weapons!
And that crappy metal box!

Right/Left arrows - rotate ship
Left Ctrl - shoot primary weapon
Space - shoot secondary weapon
A/Z - ship movement
S - force engines
= - drop inventory item (key)
f - fullscreen (HUD on fullscreen is quite crappy) (set the resolution in settings)
ESC - pause








Useful for lazy users - just launch EXE file =)

Download PC version (*.rar)

And for hard LOVErs =D
Love version: 0.8.0

Download PC version (*.love)

P.S.: My artworks, related to the Flyer =)
Press on the image to get better quality XD

Paint.NET Artworks










Made in school at physics =)





Sorry for that really long post, but i think my game deserve it =)

Re: [Game] Flyer Alpha 1.00

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 4:56 pm
by molul
It looks good. I'd remove A/Z keys to move the ship, as Up/Down are much intuitive, and they already work in this demo. I don't like Esc for fullscreen, as I usually use it to exit programs or menus.

Apart from the control, I liked the speed of the ship going forward and backwards,, but I found a bit confusing that when I press shoot, all the ships shoot.

Anyway, nice alpha. Looking forward for a beta!

Re: [Game] Flyer Alpha 1.00

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:23 pm
by vladgalay
molul wrote:I don't like Esc for fullscreen, as I usually use it to exit programs or menus.
So, in next version, F button will be for fullscreen mode =)
molul wrote:but I found a bit confusing that when I press shoot, all the ships shoot.
I have done that because now ships(they are bots =)) haven't got AI =)
molul wrote:Anyway, nice alpha. Looking forward for a beta!
Thanks! I hope, that next version will be on Thursday =)

Re: [Game] Flyer Alpha 1.00

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:39 pm
by Nixola
When I press shoot, only one ship shoots, and it's not mine =(

Re: [Game] Flyer Alpha 1.00

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:42 pm
by josefnpat
I had to tear your exe apart, and put it back together as a .love to run it on linux.

If you were trying to obfuscate your code, I can remove the attached love file.

As for the game, very nice start. Most of the issues have already been mentioned, but I would like to suggest for your milestone 1, to create some kind of "win condition", so that I'm not just sitting at the end of the game wondering what to do.

Best thing about this game is the multi-language support. I would highly suggest creating a language definition file for each language (e.g. en.lua and ru.lua). When the user chooses a language, just require the proper lua language file. This way, if you want another language, you don't have to sift through all the code just to add it.

Re: [Game] Flyer Alpha 1.00

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:58 pm
by vladgalay
Nixola wrote:When I press shoot, only one ship shoots, and it's not mine =(
That's strange. What version of LOVE 2D do you have?
josefnpat wrote:If you were trying to obfuscate your code, I can remove the attached love file.
I packed the game into one executable file because i wanted to make the process of launching LOVE game simple to end-user =)
In future versions, i will attach *.love file.
josefnpat wrote:but I would like to suggest for your milestone 1, to create some kind of "win condition", so that I'm not just sitting at the end of the game wondering what to do.
This is only Alpha, so for that moment there is not normal level script file, which will be in further versions of the game.
josefnpat wrote:I would highly suggest creating a language definition file for each language (e.g. en.lua and ru.lua). When the user chooses a language, just require the proper lua language file. This way, if you want another language, you don't have to sift through all the code just to add it.
That will be not so easy, because LOVE doesn't support Cyrillic(Russian) fonts, so i had to make my own font called "Origami". Small letters are English, big letters and some symbols are Russian. But i will think how to make language adding easy =)

If something is wrong, sorry for my bad English =)

Re: [Game] Flyer Alpha 1.00

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:44 pm
by Nixola
I have LÖVE 0.7.2 running on Ubuntu 11.10...

Re: [Game] Flyer Alpha 1.00

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:35 pm
by Robin
vladgalay wrote:I packed the game into one executable file because i wanted to make the process of launching LOVE game simple to end-user =)
In future versions, i will attach *.love file.
Good. On this forum, .loves are preferred by everyone, because it is less hassle than anything else (download size, for example).

Re: [Game] Flyer Alpha 1.00

Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 10:27 pm
by MarekkPie
You can safely assume that if you are posting on this forum, then all the other people posting on this forum have LOVE installed.

Re: [Game] Flyer Alpha 1.00

Posted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 5:42 am
by Jasoco
I have every version of Löve since 0.5.0 including 0.8.0 LuaJIT specifically to be prepared for any .love file I come upon. So rest assured the .love is enough for us.