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How to install 11.2 on Raspbian?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 5:36 pm
by Ratchet
Raspbian only installs 0.9.1 but I want to use 11.2. Is there a way to get it to run (without compiling it)?
The AppImage version don't work (wrong binary format).

Re: How to install 11.2 on Raspbian?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:28 pm
by Stifu
I don't know. But RetroPie (which is based on Raspbian) ships LÖVE 11.1.

Re: How to install 11.2 on Raspbian?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 6:59 pm
by Ratchet
Yeah, and it's fine to run games, what I do already, but I also want to work on my game and it woulb be cool to do it from the Raspbian desktop environment.

Re: How to install 11.2 on Raspbian?

Posted: Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:25 pm
by raidho36
You're in luck, because to make LOVE games you need nothing more than LOVE app and a text editor! Just fire up whatever programmer's notepad you're using and create Lua source code files in a folder of your choice. Then pass this folder to LOVE executable, and it'll run your game from source! And packaging the game is as simple as zipping the folder contents and changing filename extension from .zip to .love

I would recommend against using RPi for development though, if you have access to a computer then use that instead.

Re: How to install 11.2 on Raspbian?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 4:35 am
by Ratchet
raidho36 wrote: Wed Jun 12, 2019 10:25 pm You're in luck, because to make LOVE games you need nothing more than LOVE app and a text editor! Just fire up whatever programmer's notepad you're using and create Lua source code files in a folder of your choice. Then pass this folder to LOVE executable, and it'll run your game from source! And packaging the game is as simple as zipping the folder contents and changing filename extension from .zip to .love

I would recommend against using RPi for development though, if you have access to a computer then use that instead.
That's what I already do. Additionally I what to run it on Raspbian now.

Re: How to install 11.2 on Raspbian?

Posted: Thu Jun 13, 2019 10:51 am
by pgimeno
Why not compiling it, then? This made it for me (although I have compiled other programs, so I probably had a few dependencies installed):

Code: Select all

sudo apt-get install build-essential mercurial cmake libmodplug-dev libsdl2-dev libtheora-dev libmpg123-dev
hg clone
cd love
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If it passes 'cmake ..', it will probably compile. If it complains, you may need to install other dependencies that I have forgotten.

You need OpenGL enabled in X Window, of course.

The above compiles the latest head, which is a WIP version of 11.3. If you want 11.2 explicitly, after 'cd love' run 'hg up 11.2'.

Re: How to install 11.2 on Raspbian?

Posted: Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:32 pm
by Ratchet
Worked fine. Only libvorbis-dev, libopenal-dev and libluajit-5.1 were missing. But then it compiled and runs good.
Thanks :)