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How do I create SEO

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 3:41 pm
by scott24
Eine vielschichtige SEO Marketing Strategie

Man könnte argumentieren, dass andere Strategien ähnliche Qualitäten bieten. (E-Mail-Marketing, zum Beispiel, neigt dazu, in den ROI zu wachsen, wie Sie Ihre Abo-Liste größer und größer wird.) Aber es gibt immer noch ein Vorteil, dass SEO Marketing über diese potenziellen Anwärter hat; es verfügt über ein exponentielles Wachstum in mehreren Bereichen.

Wenn Ihr Inhalt wertvoll ist, wird die Website natürlich weiterhin Links auf unbestimmte Zeit bekommen. Parallel dazu können Sie auch ganz neue Artikel erstellen.

Darüber hinaus je nachdem, welche SEO Marketing & Suchmaschinenoptimierung Strategie Sie verwenden, könnte es noch mehr Vorteile geben.

Solange Sie in Ihren Bemühungen, konsequent bleiben und passen Sie Ihre Strategie Änderungen Rechnung zu tragen (wie Google-Updates und Benutzerinteressen), eine gut abgerundete SEO-Strategie kann einen weit höheren ROI als jede andere Strategie auf lange Sicht zu verdienen.

SEO Agentur - SEO Beratung - SEO Essen - SEO Oberhausen - SEO Duisburg

Re: How do I create a custom cursor

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 3:53 pm
by josefnpat
There's a few tricks to it. Basically you do the following:
  • Set vsync to false with setMode so that the mouse keeps up fast enough.
  • set setVisible to false so you don't see the real mouse
  • Use getPosition to get your x and y coordinates in the update
  • Use draw to draw your cursor at that location.

Re: How do I create a custom cursor

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 4:49 pm
by veethree

Code: Select all

function love.load()
	cursor ="yourcursor.png")--loads the cursor image
	love.mouse.setVisible(false) --Hides the normal cursor

function love.draw(), love.mouse.getX(), love.mouse.getY())--draws your cursor image at the mouse position
Since you're completely new to love this is what josefnpat suggested in practice. Except the vsync part, I usually handle that in conf.lua because setMode causes the game to do this little flashing thing on startup.

Re: How do I create a custom cursor

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 5:15 pm
by bartbes
josefnpat wrote: Set vsync to false
I am personally against this, vsync's there for a reason.

In any case, 0.8.0 should do this a lot better than 0.7.2, since the mouse is updated closer to your update/draw.

Re: How do I create a custom cursor

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 7:14 pm
by TechnoCat
bartbes wrote:
josefnpat wrote: Set vsync to false
I am personally against this, vsync's there for a reason.

In any case, 0.8.0 should do this a lot better than 0.7.2, since the mouse is updated closer to your update/draw.
Anything that requires the mouse to be absolutely up-to-date to feel responsive requires vsync to be turned off. Counterstrike Source is a million times better with vsync disabled for example.

Re: How do I create a custom cursor

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 2:26 am
by Jasoco
Turning off Vsync causes screen tearing. Screen tearing is ugly.

Re: How do I create a custom cursor

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:55 am
by kikito
Jasoco wrote:Turning off Vsync causes screen tearing. Screen tearing is ugly.
I agree. But I find slow cursors uglier - at least on games that use the cursor a lot.

Re: How do I create a custom cursor

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:43 pm
by Jasoco
Yeah, but screen tearing is worse than a silly laggy cursor.

It would be neat if Löve could have support for actual custom cursors that could be given to the windowserver and handled by the OS on the outside to free up cycles for the game itself. Multiple ones if possible. Would be useful for point-and-click games where the cursor changes based on the context...

That is if it's even possible. I mean other applications support custom cursors. (Photoshop for one)

Re: How do I create a custom cursor

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 8:15 pm
by bartbes
At the moment all we can provide is black and white cursors in very limited formats, and.. there were issues.. or something.

Re: How do I create a custom cursor

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2016 10:27 pm
by ThePC007
Löve actually supports system cursors since version 0.9.0. Just pointing it out in case somebody visits this thread in the future.