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scrale - Letterboxing the simple way [0.10.2, BETA]

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 2:18 pm
by Marty
Personally, I think the push lib is a bit too complicated, so I came up with my own implementation for low resolution games that scale and center itself. Here are the features:
  • Support for window and fullscreen mode.
  • Supports toggling between window and fullscreen mode.
  • Works for desktop and mobile devices.
  • Supports fill-mode on fullscreen. (Good to support different screen sizes of mobile devices)
  • On desktops in window mode it increases the window size by a multiple of 2 as much as possible, so you end up with the best view of your game.
  • Has helper functions to resolve click locations and more.

Have fun!

I'm not sure about the compatibility towards 11.1, but I will target this for 11.1 sooner or later, in any case.