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lodex: a shmup

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:18 am
by cag
so it's not completed yet, but I thought I might release a screenshot before I put out a demo.

here is a part where I'm about to die:

Re: lodex: a shmup

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 7:21 am
by hertzcastle
looks wicked!

Re: lodex: a shmup

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 10:25 pm
by cag

will release a rudimentary demo once the sfx come in. maybe some music. :awesome:

Re: lodex: a shmup

Posted: Sat Jun 26, 2010 12:35 am
by Luiji
This game looks really cool, but I'd be nice to have a description of how it works.

Re: lodex: a shmup

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:39 am
by cag
The WIP demo is here.


The code is somewhat messy but WTFPL, except for bartbes' SoundManager which isn't, but is under MIT. There's a WIP modular library included, but with no instructions, since it's WIP. You kids have fun.


Move - left, right, up, down or the first joystick knob on the first plugged in joystick
Shoot - WASD or the second joystick knob


It's really WIP. And I want to make a demo right now, haha.
Oh, and you can crack open main.lua and mess around in the love.load for different enemies. I will write a wave generator and gui stuff later. Also gotta find the balance for sound. And you can change the spray_level inside player.lua for moar power.

Re: lodex: a shmup

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:43 am
by TechnoCat
Have I gone blind? I can't find it.

Re: lodex: a shmup

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 4:48 am
by cag
Fault: my stoned self :awesome:

Oh, and fixing packaging problem. Mybad.

Edit: OK, so I guess subdirectories inside of love files should work?


I'm pretty sure that you can unzip this and do the standard love thing, though. Still, how to fix this? Should I be modifying my source layout? Is there a trivial code change?

Re: lodex: a shmup

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:04 am
by rikkit
The WIP demo is here.
Where? D:

Re: lodex: a shmup

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 5:10 am
by cag
Yeah, I'm having some trouble with packaging.

I just tested extracting and executing the resulting folder structure - that should work. Unfortunately, on the love file, love can't find compressed subdirectories.

Maybe that's a sort of feature request? :|

@rikkit: apologies, look two posts up, my good man.

Re: lodex: a shmup

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:16 am
by Robin
Looks interesting. It's a bit CPU-intensive for my machine.

It might work as .love if you change all those require "yale/util" etc. to require "yale.util".