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run game in linux

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 5:43 pm
by actionM
How do I run a game I have made in linux? I've been trying to just run the tutorials but nothing seems to work.

I tried in the terminal:

Code: Select all

love game.lua
{edit}I do get this when I run the above command as root.

This is LOVE 0.4.0 (Taco Beam).

Code: Select all

INIT love.filesystem [PhysFS]
INIT [OpenGL/DevIL/FreeType]
INIT [SDL_mixer]
INIT love.timer [SDL]
INIT love.mouse [SDL]
INIT love.keyboard [SDL]
INIT love.physics [Box2D]
INIT love.system [Generic]
Game (/home/matt/game.lua) does not exist.
QUIT love.system [Generic]
QUIT love.physics [Box2D]
QUIT love.keyboard [SDL]
QUIT love.mouse [SDL]
QUIT love.timer [SDL]
QUIT [SDL_mixer]
QUIT [OpenGL/DevIL/FreeType]
QUIT love.filesystem [PhysFS]

Re: run game in linux

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 6:14 pm
by osgeld
1) goto the directory where the *.love file is and run love
2) goto the directory where your game's main.lua file is and run love .

Re: run game in linux

Posted: Sun Jul 19, 2009 7:28 pm
by actionM
Ok, thanks alot. I'm still only able to do that as root, but I think I can fix that.

[edit] I guess I should explain how to fix that so others can see. I'm on Ubuntu/9.04 and all I had to do was create an alias in the .bashrc file located in the home directory.

Code: Select all

alias love='/usr/games/love'

Re: run game in linux

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2009 3:07 pm
by PauloftheWest
I actually have the same problem (with Love 0.5.0), but to get it to work I had to do:

Code: Select all

 love ./ 
in the directory with While

Code: Select all

would never work for me. It reports that '/home/west/tmp/' DNE, but an 'ls' shows it does. Also, the alias didn't work for me because love isn't located in /usr/game/love.

O-well, at least 'love ./' works.
