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Love2D in 3D?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 2:42 pm
by megalukes
Hey guys. I've been out for a while and lately I've been thinking about making some experiments with 3D graphics and Love2D. I remember there was a 3D extension for LÖVE 0.10, but in its github says it's now obsolete. Are there any new libraries that deal with 3D nowadays?

Re: Love2D in 3D?

Posted: Wed Nov 14, 2018 3:04 pm
by pgimeno
Love3D was not really a 3D library, it was mostly OpenGL FFI bindings that enabled activation of two features that are necessary or useful for 3D, namely depth buffers and backface culling. Both of these features are now LÖVE functions, making Love3D obsolete.

IQM is not obsolete, it's still current. I'm not sure whether it's up to date with latest LÖVE versions, though. Same goes for anim9. CPML should also be still usable, despite its obnoxious reversed matrix product bug. So, the demos of Love3D are still useful as the basis for learning basic usage of these libraries; you can just remove the inclusion of the love3d library and replace the calls by the internal ones.

For an overview of doing 3D from scratch, see viewtopic.php?p=220633#p220633