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Need help with animation/quads, please help!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 8:09 pm
by Kasperelo
Hi! I need some help for my animations, 'cause I'm pretty n00b at programming. Please
keep it simple! I don't know how to draw the animations!


Re: Need help with animation/quads, please help!

Posted: Fri May 04, 2012 9:32 pm
by Puzzlem00n
Well, what do you have so far? Anything would help. Do you have the art done already, but just not coded in?

Re: Need help with animation/quads, please help!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:35 am
by Kasperelo
Art done, not coded. It's just how to DRAW the quads I don't understand.

Re: Need help with animation/quads, please help!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 9:57 am
by richapple
In the purpose of not breaking the spirit of programming, I will help you with pseudocode.

Code: Select all

function love.load()
	make a table (later will be stated as frames_table) = {
		up = { that has , ... , ), , ... , ),
		down = { quads for , ... , ), , ... , ),
		left = { every frame , ... , ), , ... , ),
		right = { with , ... , ) , ... , ), , ... , ),

	animationTimer = 0
	player = {
		x = 10,
		y = 10,
		direction = ""
	} -- Just a random player table to hold values

and for love.update(dt)
	if we're moving then
		animationTimer = (animationTimer + 10 * dt) % #frames_table
		-- 10 is your animation speed
		-- % means that animation timer will reset itself and loop

	-- There you can change player direction
	if key == "up" then
		player.y = player.y - 10 * dt and so on
	elseif key == "down" then
	elseif key == "left" then
	elseif key == "right" then

easiest part love.draw(), frames_table[player.direction][math.ceil(iterator)], player.x, player.y)

-- This is the ugliest part because I didn't think of a better approach
	if key == "up" or key == "down" or key == "left" or key == "right" then
		player.direction = key
		we're moving = true

	if (key == "up" or key == "down" or key == "left" or key == "right") and player.direction == key then
		--player.direction = key
		we're moving = false
Combined from my own previous experiences and from this demo

Keep in mind that you can use other libraries like anim8 (forum thread demo) or AnAL

Re: Need help with animation/quads, please help!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 4:05 pm
by Kasperelo
Don't get it.. Srry for being a noob.

Re: Need help with animation/quads, please help!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 5:08 pm
by SudoCode
Kasperelo wrote:Don't get it.. Srry for being a noob.
Which part are you having trouble with?

In love.load, he's making a new table with directions, each with their own animations (quads). In love.update, he's then setting the animation to update every 10 when moving in a specific direction. You then draw the specific quad based on animation timer and the direction you're moving in.

Re: Need help with animation/quads, please help!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 5:23 pm
by Kasperelo
... You just said the stuff I don't understand. I don't get what's up with all the [] and stuff. I mostly inderstand tables, tho'

Re: Need help with animation/quads, please help!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:32 pm
by Nixola
Your last sentences can't be true at the same time... Anyway:

Code: Select all

a_table = {'Something', 'Something else'} --Here I created a table with the string 'Something' at the index/position 1 and 'Something else' at the index/position 2
a_table.index = 'Another thing' --Here I put the string 'Another thing' at the index 'index', in the table 'a_table'
print(a_table[1]) --This will print the string 'something', because "a_table[1]" is like saying "Use the data at the index 1 in the table a_table"
print(a_table.index) --This will print 'Another thing', because "a_table.index" is like saying "Use the data at the index "index" (it's a string, not a variable, if you use the dot notation) in the table a_table"
print(a_table['index']) --this is like the above

Re: Need help with animation/quads, please help!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:05 pm
by Kasperelo
Get it. But still don't get the animation stuff. It's just drawing the quads!

Re: Need help with animation/quads, please help!

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 7:12 pm
by SudoCode
Kasperelo wrote:Get it. But still don't get the animation stuff. It's just drawing the quads!
Set a variable with the image you want displayed for the player, which would be a quad in this instance. Every X (let's say 10 pixels moved in a direction), update the variable with the next quad.