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Not installable from google play store

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2023 9:19 pm
by BrotSagtMist
So i bought a phone specifically to test how my stuff would run on android.
Searching the stock repo for löve gives no returns, so i used the link from the home page, this one ...
and the install button is greyed out with the error message: "This app was created for an older version of android".
Is this a problem with this phone, eg reporting a wrong version, or is there something wrong with that repo entry?

The phone is a zte blade with a not that old android, the apk, using manual install, runs well.

My concern here is that i want to be able to tell others how to start my programs on their phones and i thought i just tell them to install löve from this play store thing but in my case this hides the entry and only shows dating stuff. They may think i try to troll them.