(Solved) manager class won't run instance events(no error)

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(Solved) manager class won't run instance events(no error)

Post by Shadowblitz16 »

can somebody tell me why my manager class is not running the events of the instances?
I don't get any error but when I try to execute code in my classes update and draw events it doesn't do anything

Code: Select all

local inspect = require("inspect")

local Class   = require("class")
local Manager = Class:derive()
      Manager.data = 
    instances = {},
    graphics  = {}, 
    sounds    = {},
    music     = {}

-- Local functions
function Manager:collision()

    local collision = false
    local index     = nil --I want to implement this but don't know how
    local value     = nil
    local state     = nil

    for i1, v1 in ipairs(self.data.instances) do
    for i2, v2 in ipairs(self.data.instances) do

        -- Checks if parallel, touching, intersecting in that order
        if     ((v1.x == v2.x or v1.x + v1.width  == v2.x + v2.width) or
                (v1.y == v2.y or v1.y + v1.Height == v2.y + v2.Height)) then
            collision = true
            index = i1
            value = v1
            state = 0
        elseif ((v1.x == v2.x or v1.x + v1.width  == v2.x + v2.width) and
                (v1.y == v2.y or v1.y + v1.Height == v2.y + v2.Height)) then
            collision = true
            index = i1
            value = v1
            state = 1
        elseif ((v1.x >  v2.x and v1.x + v1.width  <= v2.x + v2.width) and
                (v1.y >  v2.y and v1.y + v1.Height <= v2.y + v2.Height)) then
            collision = true
            index = i1
            value = v1
            state = 2


    return index, value, state
-- Public functions
function Manager:load()
    for _, v in ipairs(self.data.instances) do
        --v:load(self.data.instances)  --NOT WORKING
function Manager:update(dt)
    for _, v in ipairs(self.data.instances) do
        local icol, vcol, scol = self:collision()

        if (vcol ~= nil) then v.collision(icol, vcol, scol) end --Collision
        v:update(dt) --NOT WORKING
function Manager:draw()
    for _, v in ipairs(self.data.instances) do
        love.graphics.print(v.bulletSpeed, 0, 0)  --NOT WORKING
        v:draw() --NOT WORKING

return Manager
EDIT: ok I really don't know what it is maybe its calling the root class methods?
the table is not empty is contains class data so idk

Code: Select all

local Class = {}
Class.__index = Class

-- Default implementation
function Class:new()  end

-- Create a new class type from our base class
function Class:derive(type)
	local cls           = {}
		  cls["__call"] = Class.__call
		  cls.type      = type
		  cls.__index   = cls
		  cls.base      = self
		  setmetatable(cls, self) 
	return cls
-- Call a new Class
function Class:__call(...)
	local inst = setmetatable({}, self)
	return inst
-- Get type
function Class:get_type()
	return self.type

-- Events
function Class:load() end
function Class:update() end
function Class:draw() end
function Class:collision() end

return Class
EDIT2: so I fixed this somehow I can't tell you exactly how I did it but I think it has something to do with passing a string into Class:derive()
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