Choosing a colour only once

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Re: Choosing a colour only once

Post by davisdude »

Another way to handle a one-time event would be with coroutines:

Code: Select all

local color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }
local function randCol()
    color = { math.random( 0, 255 ), math.random( 0, 255 ), math.random( 0, 255 ), math.random( 0, 255 ) }
local randomColor = coroutine.create( randCol )

for i, v in ipairs( color ) do print( i, v ) end
coroutine.resume( randomColor )
for i, v in ipairs( color ) do print( i, v ) end
You could even do better, though:

Code: Select all

local color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 }
local function randCol()
    local color = { math.random( 0, 255 ), math.random( 0, 255 ), math.random( 0, 255 ), math.random( 0, 255 ) }
    while true do
        coroutine.yield( color )

local randomColor = setmetatable( 
    { coroutine.create( randCol ) }, 
        __call = function( tab, ... )
            return select( 2, coroutine.resume( tab[1], ... ) )

local function printColor() for _, v in ipairs( color ) do print( v ) end print() end
color = randomColor()
color = randomColor()
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