A quick tech-tree grapher

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A quick tech-tree grapher

Post by Plu »

So this isn't really a game. More like a tool for a game. Tomorrow will be the launch of the indie game Reus. I was in the Beta and so impressed that I decided to build a widget that maps out the various tech trees in the game. It was a nice little foray into graphing algorithms and loading data in LUA and while it's incredibly simple in the end, I enjoyed the practice (and the gamedevelopers loved the images I made)

So yeah. .love included if anyone wants to see, as well as a sample image of the kind of thing it poops out. You can swap between the various biomes/resources by using the letter keys Q-T, A-G and Z-B (although some letters don't show anything because some biome/resource combinations don't have any resources in them)

(Also anyone who likes god games and has $10 to spare, definately pick this game up from Steam tomorrow ;))

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