Tilem beta demo - inexplicably amusing

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Tilem beta demo - inexplicably amusing

Post by Taehl »

What is this?
This is an early beta for a tile-map-with-physics library. It still has several bugs and does not reflect on the final product. However, I just spent over fifteen minutes watching it and laughing, so I figured it was worth showing off. Please note that I'm working on it at 1920x1080 - smaller screens may not show everything. The physics are NOT intended for stacking - I spawn entirely too many actors just for stress-testing (and hilarity).

It demonstrates many "actors" falling and bouncing around in a large tile-map environment. Actors are physics-driven shapes which consist of one or more circles. They are white when touching the ground, pink while not. The green line is a demonstration of running a trace - it displays its intersection with any tiles (green) or actors (purple).

How do I play with it?
Download the demo (5.56 kb)

You don't have any direct control over it. However, you can press...
Escape - quit the demo
R - restart and randomly generate a new map. Number of actors and map density are chosen randomly.
S - toggles drawing everything (for benchmarking)
A - toggles whether "actors" (the circles and other shapes) can collide with each other or not
1-9 - restart and generate a new random map with a new scale - 1 is 16x16, 2 is 32x32, etc.
Shift + 1-9 - makes the map FOUR TIMES HUGER than regular 1-9 (for stress-testing)

What is Tilem?
It's intended to be a general-purpose library for tile-based games. It will come with a wide range of oft-needed features such as draw culling, simple physics, triggers, parallax scrolling, and even a powerful map editor (WIP by Ensayia). It will work for either side-scrolling or top-down games. I'm designing it with a focus on high performance and extreme scalability - an actor colliding with a 16x16 map will run just as fast as with a 999999x99999 map.

(Though it's much better in motion)
Earliest Love2D supporter who can't Love anymore. Let me disable pixel shaders if I don't use them, dammit!
Lenovo Thinkpad X60 Tablet, built like a tank. But not fancy enough for Love2D 0.10.0+.
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