Is my C++ knowledge viable?

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Is my C++ knowledge viable?

Post by Kaesemeister »

I need some input here guys:
I recently started to learn programming C++ during, what I think could be called my big summer break after school, because I wanted to do something productive.
Since I already learned some Java fundamentals in school the first tutorials went by rather easy yet now, at 45 tutorials in, I'm experiencing a degredation in motivation and was thinking about using my newfound knowledge to create "wacky" little games in order to cement what I've learned and make some visible progress.

It might be important to note that my initial reason to learn C++ was in order to create an injector-program which could intercept drawing calls from direct3d and inject d3d11 visuals with custom shaders. It may be pretty far off until I get to the point where I can make this possible so, my question is if it is even useful for my goal to make a detour in lua, and/or if learning lua is contributing my current efforts to learn C++ or damaging them? I certainly know this may not be the fastest route because this engine doesn't use direct3d but I'm more talking about trying this out to get the "hang" of programming.

Tl:dr -> Should I stick to learning C++ or does learning lua along the way contribute my skillset because these two languages are so alike?
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Re: Is my C++ knowledge viable?

Post by s-ol »

the two languages are absolutely not alike, one is a huge low-level compiled langauge with OOP and template-programming and the other is a minimal, dynamically typed scripting language.

Still, you won't be 'damaging' anything by learning Lua. It will also most likely go a lot faster than learning C++ in general, and take your mind off the baseline problem of memory allocation in C++ for example. Also C++ and Lua complement each other well and Lua is built to be embedded in a language like C++ (C) and there are great wrappers (check out sol/sol2). /blog  - /st8.lua  - /gtglg /curcur

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Re: Is my C++ knowledge viable?

Post by Kaesemeister »

Thanks for the quick answer.

As long as I have this much time on my hand I think I will try to do both separately. If it complements each other it might open up new possibilities for me, and it also serves the purpose of keeping things interesting.

I checked sol2 out and it looks pretty potent, so thanks for that as well.
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