Developing for Android (LOVE 11.0)

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Developing for Android (LOVE 11.0)

Post by terb »

I apologize if this is a noob question, but I was wondering, how are people developing for Android using LOVE 11.0?

Are people just using the MartinFelis repo to package APKs, and then the LOVE for Android app to test their .love files? Or is there a more official way of doing it?

For me, using the MartinFelis repo has been... difficult, to say the least, as some of the instructions and Android tools are outdated (I managed to make it work on my old laptop, but replicating the success on a new laptop has been hard.) Perhaps I've been following the instructions wrong (I might give it another go.)

On the same note, this also just popped up:
Has anyone found any differences between using the MartinFelis repo and this one?

EDIT: I got the MartinFelis repo to work. It turns out just following the instructions on the Love2D wiki is enough, and I didn't realize that he also updated it to work with 11.0. (you have to switch to the branch 0.11.x. I also used ndk r17 and chmod +x gradlew as i'm on linux).

However I am having some issues with scaling. It seems like opening a LOVE game file on Android automatically scales my game. Not really sure how its scaling it since I've changed the conf.lua to different widths and heights and it seems like it's always just stretching it by some constant factor to fill the screen. Some other weird janky problems have also occurred and I'm not sure what's happening so I guess I'll stick to 0.10.2 for now.
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Joined: Mon Jun 25, 2018 9:51 pm

Re: Developing for Android (LOVE 11.0)

Post by NohakCoffee »

If you are a noob, the best you can do (trust me), is to make
simple games without too much objects.Try to make your
game as simple as possible and then you can make a little
research on your own in Google about screen sizes on android.

I think that actually there are simple ways to achieve that.

You can grab the X/Y center coordinates of the screen and,
positioning objects from those coordinates. This is my
never-fail way to do it. Of course, I'm not a legendary expert
but this works for me.

And about LIKO and MartinFelis repo... well I don't know
nothing about LIKO, I actually have a "MartinFelis-Kit" to
work with, but never use its Android Port.
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