Timer Help

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Re: Timer Help

Post by coke905 »

K thanks that what i was wondering now im making a tank game and im having extreme problems with the bullets, ive seen the PEW PEW tutorials for the bullets it works ONLY if i want to shoot up but id like to figure out how i could do it all directions, its a top down rpg game so i need the bullets to go
right,left,up,down. i set variables if you press space and ur facing right then ShotDir == 0 etc 90 up, 270 down, 180 left.

But i understand that is doesnt work cause it keeps looping through the Player.Shots table so if u face left then shoot then u turn back around and shoot all the bullets goes towards where the players facing. Im really stuck.

Code: Select all

function InitPlayer()
	Player = {}
	Player.hp = 68
	Player.x = 150
	Player.y = 150
	Player.Speed = 115
	Player.shots = {}
	Player.BulletSpeed = 190
	PlayerImageDown = love.graphics.newImage("Images/tank_1.png")
	PlayerImageLeft = love.graphics.newImage("Images/tank_2.png")
	PlayerImageRight = love.graphics.newImage("Images/tank_3.png")
	PlayerImageUp = love.graphics.newImage("Images/tank_4.png")
	PlayerImage = PlayerImageRight

function PlayerShoot()
	local shot = {}
	shot.x = Player.x + PlayerImage:getWidth()/2
	shot.y = Player.y + PlayerImage:getHeight()/2

	table.insert(Player.shots, shot)

function MoveBullets(dt)
	for i,v in ipairs(Player.shots) do	
			v.x = v.x + Player.BulletSpeed * dt

function PlayerMove(dt)
	if love.keyboard.isDown("right") then
		Player.x = Player.x + Player.Speed * dt
		PlayerImage = PlayerImageRight
		Dir = 0
	elseif love.keyboard.isDown("left") then
		Player.x = Player.x - Player.Speed * dt
		PlayerImage = PlayerImageLeft
		Dir = 180
	elseif love.keyboard.isDown("up") then
		Player.y = Player.y - Player.Speed * dt
		PlayerImage = PlayerImageUp
		Dir = 90
	elseif love.keyboard.isDown("down") then
		Player.y = Player.y + Player.Speed * dt
		PlayerImage = PlayerImageDown
		Dir = 270
	if love.keyboard.isDown(" ") then
		if PlayerImage == PlayerImageRight then
			Dir = 0
			ShotDir = 0
		elseif PlayerImage == PlayerImageLeft then
			Dir = 180
			ShotDir = 180
		elseif PlayerImage == PlayerImageUp then
			Dir = 90
			ShotDir = 90
		elseif PlayerImage == PlayerImageDown then
			Dir = 270
			ShotDir = 270

function DrawPlayer()
	for i,v in ipairs(Player.shots) do
		love.graphics.rectangle("fill", v.x, v.y, 2, 5)
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