Proof of concept: Löve3d( or gLöve :P )

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Re: Proof of concept: Löve3d( or gLöve :P )

Post by Thursdaybloom »

Here's the token n00bish first post from a new guy you've all been waiting for:

I'm quite new to Love and Lua (downloaded it yesterday). While most of my questions have been asnwered by that glorious 'search' button, I still can't seem to get any of the examples in this thread to load.

I have 0.6.1 and only 10 minutes ago downloaded 0.5.0 (to see if using that worked). In 0.6.1 I get just a black screen. In 0.5.0 I get nothing because a crashed version of Love that only responds to Force-Quit. I run OSX 10.5.8 on a MacBook.

Which is the correct version to use and/or how to I successfully load the files in this topic so I too can witness Love3d awesomeness?

Many thanks in advance
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Re: Proof of concept: Löve3d( or gLöve :P )

Post by scirath »

0.5.0 is the correct version, AFAIK (it's the only version that will run it on my machine). As for the crash, I can't give you much of a lead on that one, not being familiar with Macs myself. All I can say is that a friend of mine wasn't able to get 0.5.0 running on his (he's also running OSX 10.4.something ... which made him rage when he saw that 0.6.x is for OSX 10.5+).
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Re: Proof of concept: Löve3d( or gLöve :P )

Post by bartbes »

You guys might want to talk to appleide (the one who did the 0.5.0 osx port) or anjo (who maintains the current osx version (and more))
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Re: Proof of concept: Löve3d( or gLöve :P )

Post by scirath »

I don't think I ever said it before, so... damned cool demo. I added a couple lines to give it game controller support, left joystick for WASD & right joystick for arrows. Hypnotized me for hours.

Unfortunately, it didn't work so well on a more complex model (yeah, I know it was mentioned somewhere, but I had to try it): replacing the sphere in with a skull model slowed it down so much, it would've been more productive to gnaw my own hand off. Without teeth. Not the author's fault, of course; it's to be expected fully.
(The way-too complex model I used, if anyone's interested.)
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Re: Proof of concept: Löve3d( or gLöve :P )

Post by Jasoco »

SamPerson12345 wrote:This is really amazing! I bet you could make a doom like game with this, if you had small levels.
Well, DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D, as well as all those other old-style pre-Quake 3D games used RayTracing instead of actual 3D models. I am fairly sure Löve 2D could pull off DOOM or Wolfenstein perfectly, if someone were to go to the trouble of porting it.

I've been trying actually, haven't gotten very far though. I've been basing it off the numerous JavaScript ports out there though.

Try these demos in a modern web browser (i.e. Chrome or Safari or Opera or Firefox):

Wolfenstein 3D: (Wolf-style engine with no textures) (And a version with textures)

DOOM-style engine:

And for fun, Mario Kart:

The level size doesn't matter as it's just an array in memory. It's all about what is being seen at once, which is what Ray-Tracing does. It just draws what is within view and ignores anything beyond it.
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Re: Proof of concept: Löve3d( or gLöve :P )

Post by snake »

Jasoco wrote:
SamPerson12345 wrote:This is really amazing! I bet you could make a doom like game with this, if you had small levels.
Well, DOOM, Wolfenstein 3D, as well as all those other old-style pre-Quake 3D games used RayTracing instead of actual 3D models. I am fairly sure Löve 2D could pull off DOOM or Wolfenstein perfectly, if someone were to go to the trouble of porting it.
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