To ensure a healthy atmosphere within these forums, we - the inner party members - decided upon ten (not nine, not eleven, ten) guidelines. These guidelines put into words what was previously only implicitly understood. They are not to be understood as strict rules, but rather as a tool to achieve greatness.
Lo and behold, these shall be your ten commandments:
Be nice to others. This forum is a friendly place and bullying will not be accepted.
Be patient. Nobody is born a master. If someone does not understand your post, try to rephrase it. Ask which part of your post causes the trouble.
Avoid derailing threads. It's ok to have fun here and there, but burying the original post under unrelated banter is not.
Take your time when posting. Answering your question will be a lot easier when you asked it clearly. Your answer will be better understood when you flesh out the details. Read what you have written before hitting the submit button. Use the preview button to see how your post will look.
Viewers discretion is advised. Because this is a technically mature community, we don't have to take childrens' well-being into account. However, we won't bully (see point 1) nor ban people because of their age.
Writers discretion is advised. While this is technically a mature community, there is no guarantee everybody here is an adult. Your posts don't have to be "child-safe", but please always keep this point in mind*.
Avoid double (triple, quadruple) posting. If you forgot to include something in your post, use the edit button. It is ok to double post to bump an old thread, but only after an appropriate amount of time.
No full-quotes of long posts. Especially if your post consists of only a few words (see also 3). Ideally you should only quote the passages relevant to your answer.
Use the [code] tag when posting code; it's just so much easier on the eyes. Also pay attention to code formatting and try to reduce the posted code to an absolute minimum. Use the preview button to see if your code is readable and adjust it if it isn't.
Violations of this etiquette (esp. points 1-3) will result in warnings. Warnings will lead to bans, but: These are guidelines, not the law. Moderators always have the last word.
* what is acceptable varies from culture to culture. Just act with your own good judgement.
I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass... and I'm all out of bubblegum.
MPQC wrote:
And so the backseat moderation begins.
I'm not sure what you're suggesting. This community has always called its members out, if they were breaking the (then unwritten) rules. Furthermore, josefnpat is capable of sending actual forum warnings, this isn't so much backseat moderation as it is moderation.