ArchUtils (and others)

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ArchUtils (and others)

Post by ArchAngel075 »

So I have been using my own small concoction of utilities i wrote up when the need arised...
And such I decided to share them as i felt it perhaps will help others :awesome:

How to include ArchUtils into your projects :
simply use 'require' :

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ATils = require"ArchUtils"
So first is the functions exposed :

(the following was not written by me, but i include it regardless- credits go to the original writer...)

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--@orig is a table passed,
--Takes the @orig and returns a deepcopy of the table
(the following was written by me:)

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 @STI_Map is a map returned by the function from STI
 returns an array of all the tiles in the passed map @STI_Map for use in a-star library.
Note that the a-star library is available at the bottom of this post...

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 @STI_Map is a map returned by the function from STI
 @x_table is one of two types :
  If a table, then the x,y value is pulled from the table from the first and second index or from the x_table.x and x_table.y index
  IE, the table can be {123,456} where x = 123 and y = 456 OR
  the table can be {x=123,y=456} where x = 123  and y = 456.
 IF x_table is a integer then x = x_table and y = @y_var (also a integer)
 Thus multiple formats of arguments are supported!

 the Tile at the coordinates x,y or nil if no table found...

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 @STI_Map is a map returned by the function from STI
 @tileset is the tileset to use, if nil then uses the first/default tileset obtained from the map.
 @tile_var is one of two types :
  IF a table then it behaves like x_table, fetching the tile at the coordinates passed
  IF a tile from the STI_Map then uses that tile directly (NOTE this may be bugged, recommended to use coordinates for now)
 Returns the properties the tile at the coordinates/or/provided holds with relation to the passed/used tileset
 Returned as a table.

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 @image is a love.image or love.imageData
 @xScale and @yScale is the scale that is wished to obtain

 Returns two values separately newW and newH - the scales to be used to draw at.

 What it does :
  Takes the image and scales provided and determins what scale must the image be drawn at to be xScale and yScale big,
  IE, a 64x64 image drawn in the size 32x32 will therefor look like :
  someImage (is the image, 64x64 to be drawn in 32x32)
  local scaleW,scaleH = ATils.getScaleForImage(someImage ,32,32),1,1,0,scaleW,scaleH) -- draw the 64x64 image in the size 32x32

 Useful for tiles and resizing images to desired scale easily

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 @t a table to be printed out
 @index not important, but sets the index to use when spacing the printout. dont pass anything if unsure.

 Simply returns the table passed as a easy-ish to read string, I use it abusively to debug tables and databases  :crazy: 

 -Note the function does not assert if @t is a table before iteration, therefore it WILL error if @t is not a error. This is due to lazyness on my part...

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 @t is a table passed
 Returns the true length of any table passed as @t
  Useful for when #TABLE equates to 0 despite containing items.
 I found this useful when some strange things started happening to some tables i was operating on...
 --this does do type checking on t so passing a non-table value is safe.
(note the following is a large 'module' that works together...)
(refer to it as the Config or InI/ini/INI module)

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 @path is the path to the DIRECTORY of the config file.
 @CFGNAME is the config files name excluding the .ini extention
 @section is the ini section to use
 @param is the parameter to look up

 Returns the value of the parameter @param under the section @section as a string.
 If @section is nil then looks for a GLOBAL parameter

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 @path is the path to the DIRECTORY of the config file.
 @CFGNAME is the config files name excluding the .ini extention
 @section is the ini section to use
 @param is the parameter to use
 @value is the new value of the parameter

 attempts to add the section @section and then @param to the ini file,
 NOTE it does not overwrite existing parameters, use set_CFG for that
 NOTE if @section is nil then uses a GLOBAL parameter and does not create any sections
 NOTE if @param is nil and @section is not nil then only attempts to create the section @section

 Returns : nothing

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 @path is the path to the DIRECTORY of the config file.
 @CFGNAME is the config files name excluding the .ini extention
 @CFG_Table is a table formatted correctly - a-bit hefty to explain how this table is formatted... 
Returns : nothing

 It is highly recommended that you stay clear of this function, it is used internally by add_CFG,
 If you want to set the value of parameters then use add_CFG instead! 

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 @path is the path to the DIRECTORY of the config file.
 @CFGNAME is the config files name excluding the .ini extention

 What it Does :
  reads a .ini file and returns it as a table where :
   All sections are tables comprised of its parameters.
   the non-section(GLOBAL) parameters are stored in a table whose key is '_'
 It is highly recommended that you stay clear of this function, it is used internally by the CFG utilities.

 If you wish to utilize this however, then i reccomend examining the format of the table returned with gTBL()

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 @path is the path to the DIRECTORY of the config file.
 @CFGNAME is the config files name excluding the .ini extention
 @section is the ini section to use
 @param is the parameter to use
 @value is the new value of the parameter

 attempts to set the section @section and then @param in the ini file,
 NOTE it DOES overwrite existing parameters, use add_CFG for non-overwriting
 NOTE if @section is nil then uses a GLOBAL parameter and does not set/create any sections
 NOTE if @param is nil and @section is not nil then only attempts to set the section @section

 Returns : nothing
NOTE that at the moment you need to hand create the config files, the utilities do not attempt to create them itself yet.
With regards to how the format of the .ini files are handled there is some small deviations from the standard :

All parameters must be devoid of white space between the '=' and the value after the '='
All parameters must be suffixed by an ';' character after the value,

An example of a .ini file :



Notice that there is nothing like 'debug1 = something;' , whitespaces are evil....

It is a smallish set of deviations for a amazingly great feature i think :ehem:

Next is the a-star library i found laying around ... (all credits go to the original writer of the library)
I only produced the small function above to compress STI map tiles into a format the library can handle..
I wont explain how the library works, but it will link this > ... a-star.lua

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