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[Solved] Help Building Love2D from Source

Posted: Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:48 am
by coldmoose
I am trying to build Love2D from the source as is, then I'm going to try building it with some power patches, but I'm running into some problems so hopefully someone here has done it and can help.

I'm following the steps on and then on I'm on Windows, I have downloaded Visual Studio 2017, mercurial, and cmake.

I'm running the following commands from within the "Select Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017"

Code: Select all

hg clone megasource
cd megasource
hg clone libs/love
cmake -G "Visual Studio 15" -H. -Bbuild
cmake --build build --target love/love --config Release
After running the first cmake there are multiple tests that fail and files that are not found. Here are some examples.

Code: Select all

-- Looking for sysconf
-- Looking for sysconf - not found
-- Looking for aligned_alloc
-- Looking for aligned_alloc - not found
After running the second cmake it ends with this many errors. Heres an example of one of the errors.

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    92 Warning(s)
    121 Error(s)

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  c:\users\xxx\documents\megasource\libs\love\src\common\stringmap.h(33): error
C3190: 'void std::vector<std::string,std::allocator<_Ty>>::emplace_back(const char
 *const &)' with the provided template arguments is not the explicit instantiation
 of any member function of 'std::vector<std::string,std::allocator<_Ty>>' [C:\User
The contents of build/love/Release are the following.

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love_3p_box2d.lib     love_3p_lodepng.lib    love_3p_physfs.lib
love_3p_ddsparse.lib  love_3p_lua53.lib      love_3p_wuff.lib
love_3p_enet.lib      love_3p_luasocket.lib  love_3p_xxhash.lib
love_3p_glad.lib      love_3p_lz4.lib
love_3p_glslang.lib   love_3p_noise1234.lib
Final note, I plan on using power patches from

Re: Help Building Love2D from Source

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:59 am
by skepci
I am building the same way and running into the same StringMap error (pasted below). I just commented that line of code out and was able to build ok.

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Severity	Code	Description	Project	File	Line	Suppression State
Error	C3190	'void std::vector<std::string,std::allocator<_Ty>>::emplace_back(const char *const &)' with the provided template arguments is not the explicit instantiation of any member function of 'std::vector<std::string,std::allocator<_Ty>>'	liblove	megasource\libs\love\src\common\StringMap.h	33	

Re: Help Building Love2D from Source

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 8:16 am
by bartbes
I remember looking at this a while back, it looks like msvc changed its standard library in an incompatible way again. Omitting that line is indeed a possible fix, and it might be the one I end up going for.

Re: Help Building Love2D from Source

Posted: Thu Aug 09, 2018 1:14 am
by coldmoose
I ended up getting help last week on the discord! Here are the steps I used, hopefully this helps someone in the future.

1) Used Visual Studio 2017
2) Using the steps on bitbucket to clone the repository, done in the developer command prompt for VS 2017 and everything after uses this as well
3) Before the first cmake, line 104 in CMakeLists.txt needs to be fixed Points to the wrong directory
old < get_filename_component(VS_REDIST_DIR ${VSCOMNTOOLS}/../../VC/redist/${MEGA_ARCH}/Microsoft.VC${VSVERSION}.CRT ABSOLUTE)
new > get_filename_component(VS_REDIST_DIR ${VSCOMNTOOLS}/../../VC/Redist/MSVC/14.14.26405/${MEGA_ARCH}/Microsoft.VC${VSVERSION}.CRT ABSOLUTE)
4) Run cmake -G "Visual Studio 15" -H. -Bbuild using Visual Studio 15 instead of 12
5) Before the last cmake, the following lines need to be commented out
6) Profit