Drawboxes is a library that represents drawing operations as boxes and gives you different ways to position those boxes relative to each other. It's useful for non-interactive and keyboard/gamepad operated UI elements, such as HUDs, text, and other simple UI elements.
function love.load()
drawboxes = require 'drawboxes'
local lg = love.graphics
--load some fonts
font1 = lg.newFont('font1.ttf', 30)
font2 = lg.newFont('font2.ttf', 60)
--this container holds everything else and takes care of the screen size
mainContainer = drawboxes.Container(0, 0, lg.getWidth(), lg.getHeight())
--make some text objects
text1 = drawboxes.Text(font1, 'Hello', 0, 0)
text2 = drawboxes.Text(font2, 'World!', 0, 0)
--position text2 relative to text1
--center the text on the screen
textContainer = drawboxes.Container(0, 0, lg.getWidth(), lg.getHeight())
textContainer:wrap(text1, text2)
function love.draw()
Tesselode wrote:Drawboxes is a library that represents drawing operations as boxes and gives you different ways to position those boxes relative to each other. It's useful for non-interactive and keyboard/gamepad operated UI elements, such as HUDs, text, and other simple UI elements.
Nice idea! You can easily make it dynamic. Merge request coming.