[SOLVED] Can os.execute() be executed after LÖVE is closed?

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[SOLVED] Can os.execute() be executed after LÖVE is closed?

Post by molul »

I need to close my UI app made with LÖVE and launch the selected app in the UI. I used os.execute(cmd), where "cmd" would be <find and kill LÖVE job> && <launch the app command>.

This command works fine from the command line, but if I run it from the UI made with LÖVE, it won't work because the UI won't actually kill itself until the whole command is executed. And I can't launch the selected app with my UI running because (I don't think I'm using the right words but I hope it can be understood) they can't "share the screen" (I get an "xauth: error".

I was thinking on creating a temporary file with the command for launching the app, so the workflow from LÖVE would be:

-create the temporary file with the command
-call love.event.quit()
-somehow call the temporary file right after LÖVE is closed, like a quit callback or something.

Any ideas?

I hate and love it when this happens: I found the solution shortly after I posted this. The solution is using a couple of scripts.

Script 1: this launches the UI and waits for it to be closed to launch a script called "launchapp.sh":


Code: Select all

Script 2 (launchapp.sh): this one contains the command to launch the application. It is removed and regenerated when you select an application to launch from the UI.

There might be a smarter way, but this one works :)
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Re: [SOLVED] Can os.execute() be executed after LÖVE is closed?

Post by bartbes »

You could also try calling love.window.close, then call os.execute, and re-open the window with love.window.setMode after, that way you have a single continuous love process, if you want.
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Re: [SOLVED] Can os.execute() be executed after LÖVE is closed?

Post by molul »

Interesting, but I need my frontend to close to save some resources, so I think I'll keep it like that.

Thanks a lot anyway :)
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