Changing to RGB

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Changing to RGB

Post by CrazieNewb »

If your annoyed that the setColor() function doesnt accept real RGB values then just use this.

Code: Select all =
	r, g, b = r/255, g/255, b/255,g,b,a)
works flawlessly
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Re: Changing to RGB

Post by slime »

You can also use love.math.colorFromBytes, and your own function instead of overwriting setColor (since doing so would break any other code that uses it, including library code):

Code: Select all

function setColor(r, g, b, a), g, b, a))
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Re: Changing to RGB

Post by Gunroar:Cannon() »

Nice, didn't know thwat
The risk I took was calculated,
but man, am I bad at math.

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Re: Changing to RGB

Post by togFox »

I knew that but never thought to do that.


I actually might start doing this instead of /255 all the time (and forgetting too).
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Re: Changing to RGB

Post by Gunroar:Cannon() »

I never bothered, just have one big table I editted for basic ... colors

Code: Select all

return {
    black= { 0/255,  0/255, 0/255 },
    navy= { 0/255, 0/255, 128/255 },
    darkblue= { 0/255, 0/255, 139/255 },
    maxblue = { 1/255, 163/255, 195/255},
    maxlighblue = { 85/255, 222/255, 183/255},
    mediumblue= { 0/255, 0/255, 205/255 },
    blue= { 0/255, 0/255, 255/255 },
    darkgreen= { 0/255, 100/255, 0/255 },
    green= { 0/255, 128/255, 0/255 },
    teal= { 0/255, 128/255, 128/255 },
    darkcyan= { 0/255, 139/255, 139/255 },
    deepskyblue= { 0/255, 191/255, 255/255 },
    darkturquoise= { 0/255, 206/255, 209/255 },
    mediumspringgreen= { 0/255, 250/255, 154/255 },
    lime= { 0/255, 255/255, 0/255 },
    springgreen= { 0/255, 255/255, 127/255 },
    aqua= { 0/255, 255/255, 255/255 },
    cyan= { 0/255, 255/255, 255/255 },
    midnightblue= { 25/255, 25/255, 112/255 },
    dodgerblue= { 30/255, 144/255, 255/255 },
    forestgreen= { 34/255, 139/255, 34/255 },
    seagreen= { 46/255, 139/255, 87/255 },
    darkslategray= { 47/255, 79/255, 79/255 },
    darkslategrey= { 47/255, 79/255, 79/255 },
    limegreen= { 50/255, 205/255, 50/255 },
    mediumseagreen= { 60/255, 179/255, 113/255 },
    turquoise= { 64/255, 224/255, 208/255 },
    royalblue= { 65/255, 105/255, 225/255 },
    steelblue= { 70/255, 130/255, 180/255 },
    darkslateblue= { 72/255, 61/255, 139/255 },
    mediumturquoise= { 72/255, 209/255, 204/255 },
    indigo= { 75/255, 0/255, 130/255 },
    darkolivegreen= { 85/255, 107/255, 47/255 },
    cadetblue= { 95/255, 158/255, 160/255 },
    cornflowerblue= { 100/255, 149/255, 237/255 },
    mediumaquamarine= { 102/255, 205/255, 170/255 },
    dimgray= { 105/255, 105/255, 105/255 },
    dimgrey= { 105/255, 105/255, 105/255 },
    slateblue= { 106/255, 90/255, 205/255 },
    olivedrab= { 107/255, 142/255, 35/255 },
    slategray= { 112/255, 128/255, 144/255 },
    slategrey= { 112/255, 128/255, 144/255 },
    lightslategray= { 119/255, 136/255, 153/255 },
    lightslategrey= { 119/255, 136/255, 153/255 },
    mediumslateblue= { 123/255, 104/255, 238/255 },
    lawngreen= { 124/255, 252/255, 0/255 },
    chartreuse= { 127/255, 255/255, 0/255 },
    aquamarine= { 127/255, 255/255, 212/255 },
    maroon= { 128/255, 0/255, 0/255 },
    purple= { 128/255, 0/255, 128/255 },
    olive= { 128/255, 128/255, 0/255 },
    gray= { 128/255, 128/255, 128/255 },
    grey= { 128/255, 128/255, 128/255 },
    skyblue= { 135/255, 206/255, 235/255 },
    lightskyblue= { 135/255, 206/255, 250/255 },
    blueviolet= { 138/255, 43/255, 226/255 },
    darkred= { 139/255, 0/255, 0/255 },
    darkmagenta= { 139/255, 0/255, 139/255 },
    saddlebrown= { 139/255, 69/255, 19/255 },
    darkseagreen= { 143/255, 188/255, 143/255 },
    lightgreen= { 144/255, 238/255, 144/255 },
    mediumpurple= { 147/255, 112/255, 216/255 },
    darkviolet= { 148/255, 0/255, 211/255 },
    palegreen= { 152/255, 251/255, 152/255 },
    darkorchid= { 153/255, 50/255, 204/255 },
    yellowgreen= { 154/255, 205/255, 50/255 },
    sienna= { 160/255, 82/255, 45/255 },
    brown= { 165/255, 42/255, 42/255 },
    woodbrown= { 221/255, 173/255, 101/255 },
    lightbrown= { 198/255, 153/255, 63/255 },
    dirtbrown= { 89/255, 61/255, 41/255 },
    dust = {176/255,122/255,14/255},
    darkbrown= { 114/255, 65/255, 19/255 },
    darkgray= { 169/255, 169/255, 169/255 },
    darkgrey= { 169/255, 169/255, 169/255 },
    lightblue= { 173/255, 216/255, 230/255 },
    greenyellow= { 173/255, 255/255, 47/255 },
    paleturquoise= { 175/255, 238/255, 238/255 },
    lightsteelblue= { 176/255, 196/255, 222/255 },
    powderblue= { 176/255, 224/255, 230/255 },
    firebrick= { 178/255, 34/255, 34/255 },
    darkgoldenrod= { 184/255, 134/255, 11/255 },
    mediumorchid= { 186/255, 85/255, 211/255 },
    rosybrown= { 188/255, 143/255, 143/255 },
    darkkhaki= { 189/255, 183/255, 107/255 },
    silver= { 192/255, 192/255, 192/255 },
    mediumvioletred= { 199/255, 21/255, 133/255 },
    indianred= { 205/255, 92/255, 92/255 },
    peru= { 205/255, 133/255, 63/255 },
    chocolate= { 210/255, 105/255, 30/255 },
    tan= { 210/255, 180/255, 140/255 },
    lightgray= { 211/255, 211/255, 211/255 },
    lightgrey= { 211/255, 211/255, 211/255 },
    palevioletred= { 216/255, 112/255, 147/255 },
    thistle= { 216/255, 191/255, 216/255 },
    orchid= { 218/255, 112/255, 214/255 },
    goldenrod= { 218/255, 165/255, 32/255 },
    crimson= { 220/255, 20/255, 60/255 },
    gainsboro= { 220/255, 220/255, 220/255 },
    plum= { 221/255, 160/255, 221/255 },
    burlywood= { 222/255, 184/255, 135/255 },
    lightcyan= { 224/255, 255/255, 255/255 },
    lavender= { 230/255, 230/255, 250/255 },
    darksalmon= { 233/255, 150/255, 122/255 },
    violet= { 238/255, 130/255, 238/255 },
    palegoldenrod= { 238/255, 232/255, 170/255 },
    lightcoral= { 240/255, 128/255, 128/255 },
    khaki= { 240/255, 230/255, 140/255 },
    aliceblue= { 240/255, 248/255, 255/255 },
    honeydew= { 240/255, 255/255, 240/255 },
    azure= { 240/255, 255/255, 255/255 },
    sandybrown= { 244/255, 164/255, 96/255 },
    wheat= { 245/255, 222/255, 179/255 },
    beige= { 245/255, 245/255, 220/255 },
    whitesmoke= { 245/255, 245/255, 245/255 },
    mintcream= { 245/255, 255/255, 250/255 },
    ghostwhite= { 248/255, 248/255, 255/255 },
    salmon= { 250/255, 128/255, 114/255 },
    antiquewhite= { 250/255, 235/255, 215/255 },
    linen= { 250/255, 240/255, 230/255 },
    lightgoldenrodyellow= { 250/255, 250/255, 210/255 },
    oldlace= { 253/255, 245/255, 230/255 },
    red= { 255/255, 0/255, 0/255 },
    fuchsia= { 255/255, 0/255, 255/255 },
    magenta= { 255/255, 0/255, 255/255 },
    deeppink= { 255/255, 20/255, 147/255 },
    orangered= { 255/255, 69/255, 0/255 },
    tomato= { 255/255, 99/255, 71/255 },
    hotpink= { 255/255, 105/255, 180/255 },
    coral= { 255/255, 127/255, 80/255 },
    darkorange= { 255/255, 140/255, 0/255 },
    lightsalmon= { 255/255, 160/255, 122/255 },
    orange= { 255/255, 165/255, 0/255 },
    lightpink= { 255/255, 182/255, 193/255 },
    pink= { 255/255, 192/255, 203/255 },
    gold= { 255/255, 215/255, 0/255 },
    peachpuff= { 255/255, 218/255, 185/255 },
    navajowhite= { 255/255, 222/255, 173/255 },
    moccasin= { 255/255, 228/255, 181/255 },
    bisque= { 255/255, 228/255, 196/255 },
    mistyrose= { 255/255, 228/255, 225/255 },
    blanchedalmond= { 255/255, 235/255, 205/255 },
    papayawhip= { 255/255, 239/255, 213/255 },
    lavenderblush= { 255/255, 240/255, 245/255 },
    seashell= { 255/255, 245/255, 238/255 },
    cornsilk= { 255/255, 248/255, 220/255 },
    lemonchiffon= { 255/255, 250/255, 205/255 },
    floralwhite= { 255/255, 250/255, 240/255 },
    snow= { 255/255, 250/255, 250/255 },
    yellow= { 255/255, 255/255, 0/255 },
    lightyellow= { 255/255, 255/255, 224/255 },
    ivory= { 255/255, 255/255, 240/255 },
    white= { 255/255, 255/255, 255/255 }

Code: Select all

function getColor(color)
    return colors[color]
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Re: Changing to RGB

Post by dusoft »

slime wrote: Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:21 pm You can also use love.math.colorFromBytes, and your own function instead of overwriting setColor (since doing so would break any other code that uses it, including library code):

Code: Select all

function setColor(r, g, b, a), g, b, a))
This should be explicitly mentioned (hint) in the wiki at:
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Re: Changing to RGB

Post by pgimeno »

I've added an example and a See Also entry in
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Re: Changing to RGB

Post by dusoft »

pgimeno wrote: Sun Jan 09, 2022 11:51 pm I've added an example and a See Also entry in
Cool, thanks.
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