Building on OS X?

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Building on OS X?

Post by Gerrit »


I needed "image:getColor()" from the SVN Version so I was going to build it but ran into a lot of problems. First: It's not the first time I'm building something but I gave up after hours. I have OS X 10.4.11 on an Intel Mac. I won't update to 10.5 because I'm waiting for Snow Leopard.

Löve 0.5
To get started I was going to build the 0.5 release from source first. I downloaded the source and applied the changes in the SVN Readme for OS X. I installed every lib via Darwinports, they can be found at /opt/local/. After $ ./configure I had to change the "AM_CPPFLAGS" in /src/makefile to include the /opt/ paths (-I/opt/local/lib -I/opt/local/include -I/opt/local/include/SDL and so on). With these settings I can build it but the linker stops with

Code: Select all

/usr/libexec/gcc/i686-apple-darwin8/4.0.1/ld: can't locate file for: -lfreetype
Freetype is installed and it should know where to look for but it doesn't. I was going to bundle the dylibs with the app but I also copied the frameworks that came with the Love distribution into the specified folders. It still doesn't work.

So much for Löve 0.5.

Löve SVN/Trunk
- The project for xCode in the SVN doesn't work on 10.4 with xCode 2.5 :(

Code: Select all

Project /src/love-trunk/platform/macosx/love.xcodeproj cannot be opened because it is missing its project.pbxproj file.
- /platform/unix/ was/is missing (I have one now)

Steps until now:
- Installed SDL_sound (via Darwinports)
- Installed openAL (via Darwinports)
$ aclocal
$ autoconf
$ automake --add-missing
$ ./configure LDFLAGS="-L/opt/local/lib -L/opt/local/include -framework OpenGL"
(runs to the end, creates everything needed)
$ make
And this stops directly after a second with:

Code: Select all

No rule to make target `love_sdlkeyboard/love_sdlkeyboard.cpp', needed by `love_sdlkeyboard/love_sdlkeyboard.o'.  Stop.
Any help on how to get 0.5 or better 0.6 to work without 10.5? It really took a lot of time to install all of the required libs (Boost!)..

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Re: Building on OS X?

Post by appleide »

Go to this thread's fourth post and download the attachment. Find a folder named "platform" inside the source folder and put the unzipped macosx folder you downloaded inside. There's an XCode project. You might find you need to tweak it a little. You also need the required frameworks. These can be found in the latest mac binary.

The latest trunk version isn't finished and doesn't 'work' yet..

If you want to release your app as a standalone you can go to this thread:
There is an app- wrapper.

Please tell me whether this works for you. thanks :)
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