Keeping track of memory used by images

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Keeping track of memory used by images

Post by CorruptionEX »

(Note: This post used to named "How to handle a lot of images?", but I felt that was a bad name for this...)

Hello everyone :)

How are images held in memory? Like, does imageData:getSize() and love.filesystem.getSize() give the size of the loaded image, or the size of the just the file? I'm not an expert on computers, but isn't the images 'expanded' when it's loaded, and takes up a different amount of RAM when loaded than it does on disk? I want to count the amount of space my loaded images take up, so what is the best way to do this?

LONG VERSION: (Wow, you must like to read my redundant stories... well, if you want to...)
So I was thinking one day: "Gee, it sure is annoying to have all my images stored in separate tables all over my game". I felt if two files are to use the same image, the image should be loaded somewhere general so both can reference it, rather than one file 'own' the image, and the other file have to reference the first.

I had an 'Image' table that looked something like this:

Code: Select all

Image = {
	roster = {},
	newImage = function(self, filepath, imageName)
		self.roster[imageName] =
	get = function(self, imageName)
		return self.roster[imageName]
And that worked very well until I wanted to load sprite sheets and animations. They need quads, and are all in the same image, which was a problem for my current method of doing things. Now, i'm not gonna try and reinvent that code, but you could imagine how it worked.

Rather than loading images like this:

Code: Select all

Image:newImage("blah/blah/bloop_1.png", "BloopBody")
Image:newImage("blah/blah/bloop_2.png", "BloopTop")
Image:newImage("blah/blah/bloop_3.png", "BloopLeft")
Image:newImage("blah/blah/bloop_4.png", "BloopRight")
I could do it like this:

Code: Select all

Image:newImage("blah/blah/bloopsheet.png", {
	{"BloopBody", 0, 0, 32, 32},
	{"BloopTop", 32, 0, 32, 32},
	{"BloopLeft", 0, 32, 32, 32},
	{"BloopRight", 32, 32, 32, 32}
And that worked very well also. Not only did it look nice, but it automatically cut that quad out of the main image, and pasted it into a new ImageData, so that each section could be treated like a separate image, as if they all had separate files.

Now, what happens if I want to load TONS of images? Like a few big sprite sheets, or tons of separate files?
I'm not the best at memory and techy computer things, but I'm pretty sure I would run into a problem if I tried to load too many...

I thought maybe I could rethink the way I store images. Take a look at this next one I made. This is pretty close to what I had, but this one doesn't handle quads like the previous, but my older one did.

This one will store the information you give it first, and load the image when you actually need it. It keeps track of order of the images loaded, and when we begin to run out of space, it will keep unloading the oldest until there is enough space for the new one.

Just try to interpret this one... I put comments.

Code: Select all

Image = {
	roster = {}, 				  -- Stores data for recreation
	list = {}, 					 -- Stores the order images were loaded in
	currentMemory = 0, 		  -- Current memory useage
	maxMemory = (1024^2) * 64, -- 64 Megabytes (in bytes)
	-- Creates a table rather than load the image
	-- right away, because we may not need this
	-- image until much later, and it would take
	-- up space and take up loading time
	newImage = function(self, filepath, imageName)
		self.roster[imageName] = {
			image = false, 			-- Where image will go once loaded
			filepath = filepath, 	-- Where the file for this image is
			size = false 			  -- The size of this image (in bytes)
	get = function(self, imageName)
		if not(self.roster[imageName].image) then 	-- If the image isn't there...
			self:reload(imageName) 					    -- then go reload it!
		return self.roster[imageName].image 		   -- Return the image (should be loaded)
	reload = function(self, imageName)
		local img = love.image.newImageData(self.roster[imageName].filepath) 	-- Load the ImageData
		local imgSize = img:getSize() 	-- The size of the image (in bytes)
		local oldImg 				        -- Image to unload
		while self.currentMemory + imgSize > self.maxMemory do 	-- If we loaded too much already...
			oldImg = table.remove(self.list)							  -- Get the oldest image in the list...
			self.roster[oldImg].image = false 							-- and remove the reference to the image...
			self.currentMemory = self.currentMemory - self.roster[oldImg].size -- to make more space!
		self.roster[imageName].image = img 					-- Store the new image
		self.roster[imageName].size = imgSize 				-- Record the size for later
		self.currentMemory = self.currentMemory + imgSize -- Update the current memory usage
		table.insert(self.list, 1, imageName) 				-- Add this image as the newest (first) on the list
So that one works well too. Keep in mind when I say I 'unload' an image, I just remove the reference so that the garbage collector can take it eventually. So in reality, the current memory may be larger than what it actually says, but it's close enough to keep tabs on how much memory I'm using at any time. I used the same idea for my 'Audio' and 'Font' tables.

Now, what you've all been waiting for, MY REAL PROBLEM!
While this might work I'm my head, I'm not sure if it works for real. For instance, I heard somewhere that when you load an image, it actually is much larger than the few kilobytes windows says it is. It is expanded in some way. So this means that imageData:getSize() is giving me one of those sizes; the file size, or the loaded size.

Another thing, I'm still using love-0.8.0
I see in love-0.9.0 they added love.filesystem.getSize(). Since you don't need to even load the file you want to get the size of, is it giving the unloaded size? If it doesn't, that means I can use it to get the size of all my images as I add them to my 'Image.roster' table, rather than waiting until I actually load them, and get the size then. (Thats why I had to initially set the image size to false, because I couldn't figure it out without loading it, and I wanted to avoid loaded EVERY image)

So if anyone could explain how those two functions work, as far as where it's getting the number it gives me, then I guess that would be all I need. If I have any other questions in the near future, I'll post back here so that my code is already explained. Because I probably didn't need to explain all that to get to my point. Then again, you did want to read the long version...


And just on the side, I would like to add I found how to keep track of the size of unloaded images. What I could do, rather than just set the image to false when I want to unload it, I can put the image in a weak table, so while it's waiting to be collected, I could still use it if i needed it, or even save it from being collected. If the image lasts long enough in the weak table to be collected, then I probably won't need it for a while anyways, and so it should be collected, rather then if I just ran out of space, but still need to draw that image within the next few frames, ya know?
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Re: Keeping track of memory used by images

Post by CorruptionEX »

and I found some more information:

I took a look inside the source even though I only know the basics of C++, and I found a few things that would help me if they were explained.

First off, in \src\common\Data.h, I found this declaration:

Code: Select all

	 * Gets the size of the Data in bytes.
	virtual size_t getSize() const = 0;
I learned that virtual just means that new functions with the same name can be called in derived classes,
and that size_t is like saying int or unsigned int, but has something to do with the platform your on,
and that functions can be marked constant.

What I did not find is what the 'const = 0' part at the end means. Is it setting the function = 0? Does this varient always return 0? Explain please :l

Another thing I found are these:


Code: Select all

	// Implements Data.
	virtual void *getData() const;
	virtual size_t getSize() const;

Code: Select all

size_t ImageData::getSize() const
	return size_t(getWidth()*getHeight())*sizeof(pixel);
The first is all fine and dandy, just the header for the second file.
It's really the second file that is getting me. Where it says 'size_t(getWidth() * getHeight())'
How can you call a data type? Isn't that like saying 'int()' or 'double(2 + 2)'? What does that result in?
Also, I can't find where 'pixel' is declared. I want to see where it is so I know what 'sizeof(pixel)' results in.

If anyone has any kind of helpful information, please post, this issue is bothering me :?
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Re: Keeping track of memory used by images

Post by SneakySnake »

CorruptionEX wrote:What I did not find is what the 'const = 0' part at the end means. Is it setting the function = 0? Does this varient always return 0? Explain please :l
CorruptionEX wrote:It's really the second file that is getting me. Where it says 'size_t(getWidth() * getHeight())'
CorruptionEX wrote:Also, I can't find where 'pixel' is declared. I want to see where it is so I know what 'sizeof(pixel)' results in. ... ault#cl-37
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Re: Keeping track of memory used by images

Post by bartbes »

Of course the reason they exist being you can call them to find the actual values. For example, the definition of a pixel does not help you at all in determining its size, since it can be padded, aligned, whatever.
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Re: Keeping track of memory used by images

Post by zorg »

CorruptionEX wrote:And that worked very well also. Not only did it look nice, but it automatically cut that quad out of the main image, and pasted it into a new ImageData, so that each section could be treated like a separate image, as if they all had separate files.
Though not your main issue, it might be relevant; might i suggest that you use SpriteBatches instead of creating new ImageData from cutting up your spritesheet along quads? It would probably take up less memory since only the main image would need to be stored.
Me and my stuff :3True Neutral Aspirant. Why, yes, i do indeed enjoy sarcastically correcting others when they make the most blatant of spelling mistakes. No bullying or trolling the innocent tho.
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