[SOLVED] Help with STI movement implementation

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[SOLVED] Help with STI movement implementation

Post by giantofbabil »

Had problems setting up movement with Box2D, now they are fixed.


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--set up for STI
local sti = require 'sti'
local physics = require 'assets.loaders.physics'

function loadLevel_01()
  --STI INITIALIZATION CODE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  --grab window size
  windowWidth  = love.graphics.getWidth()
  windowHeight = love.graphics.getHeight()
  --set world "meter" size in pixels (tile length)
  --load a map exported to lua from Tiled
  map = sti.new('assets/maps/map01.lua', {'box2d'})
  --prepare physics world with horizontal and vertical gravity
  world = love.physics.newWorld(0, 3500, true)
  --prepare collision objects
  --create custom layer for sprites
  map:addCustomLayer('Sprite Layer', 4)
  --add data to custom layer
  spriteLayer = map.layers['Sprite Layer']
  spriteLayer.sprites = {
               player = {
                 img = love.graphics.newImage('assets/sprites/gus.png'),
                 x = 250,
                 y = 1200,
                 r = 0}}
  --call physics setup for spriteLayer


function updateLevel_01(dt)
  --map update for sti
  --MOVEMENT SETUP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  local sprite = map.layers['Sprite Layer'].sprites.player
  local x, y = 0, 0
	if love.keyboard.isDown('a', 'left') and not sprite.isOnWall then 
    x = x - 8000
  elseif love.keyboard.isDown('a', 'left') and sprite.isOnWall then
    --code for wall sticking animations
	if love.keyboard.isDown('d', 'right') and not sprite.isOnWall then 
    x = x + 8000 
  elseif love.keyboard.isDown('d', 'right') and sprite.isOnWall then
    --code for wall sticking animations
  sprite.body:applyForce(x, y)
	sprite.x, sprite.y = sprite.body:getWorldCenter()
  --JUMPING CODE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  function beginContact(a, b, ctct)
    if a == sprite.groundSensor or b == sprite.groundSensor then --sprite is on ground
      sprite.isOnGround = true
      sprite.doubleJump = false
    elseif a == sprite.wallSensor or b == sprite.wallSensor and sprite.isOnWall == false then --sprite is on wall
      sprite.wallCheck = true
  function love.keypressed(key)
    if key == ' ' and sprite.isOnGround then --jump and allow double jump
      sprite.doubleJump = true
      sprite.body:applyLinearImpulse(0, -8000, sprite.x, sprite.y)
      sprite.isOnGround = false
    elseif key == ' ' and sprite.doubleJump then --double jump
      sprite.body:applyLinearImpulse(0, -6500, sprite.x, sprite.y)
      sprite.doubleJump = false
    elseif key == 'lshift' or 'rshift' and not sprite.isOnGround and sprite.wallCheck then --stick to wall
      sprite.wallCheck = false
      sprite.isOnWall   = true
      sprite.doubleJump = false
    elseif key == ' ' and sprite.isOnWall then --jump off of wall
      sprite.body:applyLinearImpulse(1000, -6500, sprite.x, sprite.y)
      sprite.isOnWall = false

function drawLevel_01()
  --STI INITIALIZATION CODE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  --translation based on player's x/y
  local translateX = 0
  local translateY = 0
  --draw range culls unnecessary tiles
  map:setDrawRange(-translateX, -translateY, windowWidth, windowHeight)
  --draw map and all objects within
  --draw collision map (useful for debugging) comment out to get rid of collision boxes
  love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 255)
  local sprite = map.layers['Sprite Layer'].sprites.player
  love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 255)
	love.graphics.polygon("line", sprite.body:getWorldPoints(sprite.shape:getPoints()))
  love.graphics.polygon("line", sprite.body:getWorldPoints(sprite.gShape:getPoints()))
  love.graphics.polygon("line", sprite.body:getWorldPoints(sprite.wShape:getPoints()))
  love.graphics.circle("line",sprite.x, sprite.y + 20, 38)


Code: Select all

--Calls for physics set up

--Set up Sprite Layer and associated physics
function spritePhysics()
  --update callback for custom layer
  function spriteLayer:update(dt)
    for _, sprite in pairs(self.sprites) do
  --draw callback for custom layer
  function spriteLayer:draw()
    for _, sprite in pairs(self.sprites) do
      local x = math.floor(sprite.x)
      local y = math.floor(sprite.y)
      local r = sprite.r
      love.graphics.draw(sprite.img, x, y - 10, r, 1, 1, 48,68 )
  --set up sprite physics
  local sprite = map.layers['Sprite Layer'].sprites.player
  sprite.body = love.physics.newBody(world, sprite.x/2, sprite.y/2, 'dynamic')
  sprite.body:setMassData(0, 0, 200, 0)
	sprite.shape   = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 75, 80, 0)
  sprite.gShape  = love.physics.newRectangleShape(1, 78, 70, 10, 0)
  sprite.fShape  = love.physics.newCircleShape(0, 40, 38)
  sprite.wShape  = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 85, 50, 0)
  sprite.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(sprite.body, sprite.shape)
  sprite.feet    = love.physics.newFixture(sprite.body, sprite.fShape)
  sprite.groundSensor = love.physics.newFixture(sprite.body, sprite.gShape)
  sprite.wallSensor   = love.physics.newFixture(sprite.body, sprite.wShape)
  sprite.isOnGround = false
  sprite.isOnWall   = false
  sprite.wallCheck  = false
  sprite.doubleJump = false
Any help at all is appreciated!
Last edited by giantofbabil on Fri Dec 18, 2015 10:39 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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if enemy == lowerClassSaiyan and powerLevel > 9000 then
    love.graphics.print("What?! 9000?! There's no way that could be right!", 10, 200)
    love.graphics.print("You fool!", 10, 200)
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Re: Help with STI movement implementation

Post by pgimeno »

giantofbabil wrote: 1) Implement jumping and fix the physics because I probably have it set up horribly. Right now my sprite just "flies" when you hold space bar. Tried to add mass to the sprite, but that just made things worse no matter what I set gravity to I couldn't get it to work right :P
I haven't tried, but I guess that you need to apply the impulse only when the key goes from not down to down:

Code: Select all

local spaceWasDown = false

  if love.keyboard.isDown(' ') then 
    if not spaceWasDown then
        sprite.body:applyLinearImpulse(0, -100, sprite.x, sprite.y)
        spaceWasDown = true
    spaceWasDown = false

giantofbabil wrote: 2) Right now my sprite's collision is a box the size of the image. I would like it to be more like an oval, or "pill" shape but I don't know how to do that I can only find options for circles which don't work all that well either.
Can't help with that, sorry. Maybe two circles and a box would make a pill-shaped collision skeleton.
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Re: Help with STI movement implementation

Post by giantofbabil »

Your jumping idea didn't work, but I did get it to work! Your idea made me revisit using the function love.keypressed, at first it didn't work but then I added mass to to the sprite and cranked up the velocity and I now have jumping!
pgimeno wrote:Can't help with that, sorry. Maybe two circles and a box would make a pill-shaped collision skeleton.
Working on this now, I had a problem earlier when trying to do this where when I tried to make a second circle on the same physics object it would overwrite the first one. Persistence seems to be key though...

Now I just have to find a way to make the game recognize when the character is standing on a platform so you can't jump in the air infinite times.

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if enemy == lowerClassSaiyan and powerLevel > 9000 then
    love.graphics.print("What?! 9000?! There's no way that could be right!", 10, 200)
    love.graphics.print("You fool!", 10, 200)
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Re: Help with STI movement implementation

Post by s-ol »

You can add a "feet" fixture that is below the body (but does not extend over the full character's width, or you get wall-jumping aswell) and set it to be a sensor (https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setSensor) then use the world callbacks (https://www.love2d.org/wiki/World:setCallbacks) to store a isOnGround Boolean in your player.
Alternatively you can query a rectangle below your player with https://www.love2d.org/wiki/World:queryBoundingBox but this is very inaccurate for rotated environment pieces and anything that is not a box.

s-ol.nu /blog  -  p.s-ol.be /st8.lua  -  g.s-ol.be /gtglg /curcur

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Re: Help with STI movement implementation

Post by giantofbabil »

S0lll0s wrote:You can add a "feet" fixture that is below the body (but does not extend over the full character's width, or you get wall-jumping aswell) and set it to be a sensor (https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setSensor) then use the world callbacks (https://www.love2d.org/wiki/World:setCallbacks) to store a isOnGround Boolean in your player.
Alternatively you can query a rectangle below your player with https://www.love2d.org/wiki/World:queryBoundingBox but this is very inaccurate for rotated environment pieces and anything that is not a box.
I tried to set this up but I'm having a problem. The fixture I made is called sprite.groundSensor, and I set it a boolean called isOnGround to go true when this fixture begins contact and false when it ends contact. The problem is that sprite.groundSensor is never triggering contact, and I think it's because it's collidable for some reason no it's never overlapping the collidable surfaces like a sensor is supposed to(I know this because now I can't jump at all), but I don't know how to make it not collidable. Here's the updated code:

Code: Select all

--set up for STI
local sti = require 'sti'

function loadLevel_01()
  --STI INITIALIZATION CODE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  --grab window size
  windowWidth  = love.graphics.getWidth()
  windowHeight = love.graphics.getHeight()
  --set world "meter" size in pixels (tile length)
  --load a map exported to lua from Tiled
  map = sti.new('assets/maps/map01.lua', {'box2d'})
  --prepare physics world with horizontal and vertical gravity
  world = love.physics.newWorld(0, 3500, true)
  --prepare collision objects
  --create custom layer
  map:addCustomLayer('Sprite Layer', 2)
  --add data to custom layer
  local spriteLayer = map.layers['Sprite Layer']
  spriteLayer.sprites = {
               player = {
                 img = love.graphics.newImage('assets/sprites/gus.png'),
                 x = 96,
                 y = 636,
                 r = 0}

  --update callback for custom layer
  function spriteLayer:update(dt)
    for _, sprite in pairs(self.sprites) do
  --draw callback for custom layer
  function spriteLayer:draw()
    for _, sprite in pairs(self.sprites) do
      local x = math.floor(sprite.x)
      local y = math.floor(sprite.y)
      local r = sprite.r
      love.graphics.draw(sprite.img, x, y - 10, r, 1, 1, 48,68 )
  --set up sprite physics
  local sprite = map.layers['Sprite Layer'].sprites.player
  sprite.body = love.physics.newBody(world, sprite.x/2, sprite.y/2, 'dynamic')
  sprite.body:setMassData(0, 0, 200, 0)
	sprite.shape   = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 75, 120, 0)
	sprite.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(sprite.body, sprite.shape)
  sprite.feet    = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 57, 70, 5, 0)
  sprite.groundSensor = love.physics.newFixture(sprite.body, sprite.feet)

function updateLevel_01(dt)
  --STI INITIALIZATION CODE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  --map update for sti
  --MOVEMENT SETUP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  local sprite = map.layers['Sprite Layer'].sprites.player
  local x, y = 0, 0
	if love.keyboard.isDown('a','left')	 then x = x - 8000 end
	if love.keyboard.isDown('d','right') then x = x + 8000 end
  sprite.body:applyForce(x, y)
	sprite.x, sprite.y = sprite.body:getWorldCenter()
  --JUMPING CODE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  world:setCallbacks(beginContact, endContact)
  local isOnGround = false
  if sprite.groundSensor == beginContact then
    isOnGround = true
  elseif sprite.groundSensor == endContact then
    isOnGround = false
  function love.keypressed(key)
    if key == ' ' and isOnGround then
    sprite.body:applyLinearImpulse(0, -5000, sprite.x, sprite.y)

function drawLevel_01()
  --STI INITIALIZATION CODE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  --translation based on player's x/y
  local translateX = 0
  local translateY = 0
  --draw range culls unnecessary tiles
  map:setDrawRange(-translateX, -translateY, windowWidth, windowHeight)
  --draw map and all objects within
  --draw collision map (useful for debugging) comment out to get rid of collision boxes
  love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 255)
  local sprite = map.layers['Sprite Layer'].sprites.player
  love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 255)
	love.graphics.polygon("line", sprite.body:getWorldPoints(sprite.shape:getPoints()))
  love.graphics.polygon("line", sprite.body:getWorldPoints(sprite.feet:getPoints()))


Code: Select all

if enemy == lowerClassSaiyan and powerLevel > 9000 then
    love.graphics.print("What?! 9000?! There's no way that could be right!", 10, 200)
    love.graphics.print("You fool!", 10, 200)
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Re: Help with STI movement implementation

Post by s-ol »

giantofbabil wrote:
S0lll0s wrote:You can add a "feet" fixture that is below the body (but does not extend over the full character's width, or you get wall-jumping aswell) and set it to be a sensor (https://www.love2d.org/wiki/Fixture:setSensor) then use the world callbacks (https://www.love2d.org/wiki/World:setCallbacks) to store a isOnGround Boolean in your player.
Alternatively you can query a rectangle below your player with https://www.love2d.org/wiki/World:queryBoundingBox but this is very inaccurate for rotated environment pieces and anything that is not a box.
I tried to set this up but I'm having a problem. The fixture I made is called sprite.groundSensor, and I set it a boolean called isOnGround to go true when this fixture begins contact and false when it ends contact. The problem is that sprite.groundSensor is never triggering contact, and I think it's because it's collidable for some reason no it's never overlapping the collidable surfaces like a sensor is supposed to(I know this because now I can't jump at all), but I don't know how to make it not collidable. Here's the updated code:

Code: Select all

--set up for STI
local sti = require 'sti'

function loadLevel_01()
  --STI INITIALIZATION CODE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  --grab window size
  windowWidth  = love.graphics.getWidth()
  windowHeight = love.graphics.getHeight()
  --set world "meter" size in pixels (tile length)
  --load a map exported to lua from Tiled
  map = sti.new('assets/maps/map01.lua', {'box2d'})
  --prepare physics world with horizontal and vertical gravity
  world = love.physics.newWorld(0, 3500, true)
  --prepare collision objects
  --create custom layer
  map:addCustomLayer('Sprite Layer', 2)
  --add data to custom layer
  local spriteLayer = map.layers['Sprite Layer']
  spriteLayer.sprites = {
               player = {
                 img = love.graphics.newImage('assets/sprites/gus.png'),
                 x = 96,
                 y = 636,
                 r = 0}

  --update callback for custom layer
  function spriteLayer:update(dt)
    for _, sprite in pairs(self.sprites) do
  --draw callback for custom layer
  function spriteLayer:draw()
    for _, sprite in pairs(self.sprites) do
      local x = math.floor(sprite.x)
      local y = math.floor(sprite.y)
      local r = sprite.r
      love.graphics.draw(sprite.img, x, y - 10, r, 1, 1, 48,68 )
  --set up sprite physics
  local sprite = map.layers['Sprite Layer'].sprites.player
  sprite.body = love.physics.newBody(world, sprite.x/2, sprite.y/2, 'dynamic')
  sprite.body:setMassData(0, 0, 200, 0)
	sprite.shape   = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 0, 75, 120, 0)
	sprite.fixture = love.physics.newFixture(sprite.body, sprite.shape)
  sprite.feet    = love.physics.newRectangleShape(0, 57, 70, 5, 0)
  sprite.groundSensor = love.physics.newFixture(sprite.body, sprite.feet)

function updateLevel_01(dt)
  --STI INITIALIZATION CODE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  --map update for sti
  --MOVEMENT SETUP------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  local sprite = map.layers['Sprite Layer'].sprites.player
  local x, y = 0, 0
	if love.keyboard.isDown('a','left')	 then x = x - 8000 end
	if love.keyboard.isDown('d','right') then x = x + 8000 end
  sprite.body:applyForce(x, y)
	sprite.x, sprite.y = sprite.body:getWorldCenter()
  --JUMPING CODE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  world:setCallbacks(beginContact, endContact)
  local isOnGround = false
  if sprite.groundSensor == beginContact then
    isOnGround = true
  elseif sprite.groundSensor == endContact then
    isOnGround = false
  function love.keypressed(key)
    if key == ' ' and isOnGround then
    sprite.body:applyLinearImpulse(0, -5000, sprite.x, sprite.y)

function drawLevel_01()
  --STI INITIALIZATION CODE---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  --translation based on player's x/y
  local translateX = 0
  local translateY = 0
  --draw range culls unnecessary tiles
  map:setDrawRange(-translateX, -translateY, windowWidth, windowHeight)
  --draw map and all objects within
  --draw collision map (useful for debugging) comment out to get rid of collision boxes
  love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 255)
  local sprite = map.layers['Sprite Layer'].sprites.player
  love.graphics.setColor(255, 0, 0, 255)
	love.graphics.polygon("line", sprite.body:getWorldPoints(sprite.shape:getPoints()))
  love.graphics.polygon("line", sprite.body:getWorldPoints(sprite.feet:getPoints()))

You are using setWorldCallbacks wrong. The two parameters are supposed to be functions called when contacts begin or end. Here is what that portion of your code should look like:

Code: Select all

function beginContact(a, b, ctct)
  if a == sprite.groundSensor or b == sprite.groundSensor then
     isOnGround = true
function endContact(a, b, ctct)
  if a == sprite.groundSensor or b == sprite.groundSensor then
     isOnGround = false

 world:setCallbacks(beginContact, endContact)
of course you need to make isOnGround a non-local variable (possibly move it into the "sprite" table aswell) and you need to take care that the two functions are defined by the time you call :setCallbacks (and only do that once).

s-ol.nu /blog  -  p.s-ol.be /st8.lua  -  g.s-ol.be /gtglg /curcur

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print( type(love) )
if false then
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Re: Help with STI movement implementation

Post by giantofbabil »

Oh my god what a ride, thanks so much! Just so you know though the code you gave me didn't work consistently so I've been working at it and this is how I finally got it to work right on every ground contact:

Code: Select all

  --JUMPING CODE--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  function beginContact(a, b, ctct)
    if a == sprite.groundSensor or b == sprite.groundSensor then
      sprite.isOnGround = true
  function love.keypressed(key)
    if key == ' ' and sprite.isOnGround then
    sprite.body:applyLinearImpulse(0, -5000, sprite.x, sprite.y)
    sprite.isOnGround = false
I'll also note that I had the sensor set up wrong it needed to be sprite.groundSensor:setSensor(true) and I didn't have the true in there so my sensor wasn't actually a sensor at first :P

You saved me though I never would've figured out the callback functions without your help thanks :awesome:

Code: Select all

if enemy == lowerClassSaiyan and powerLevel > 9000 then
    love.graphics.print("What?! 9000?! There's no way that could be right!", 10, 200)
    love.graphics.print("You fool!", 10, 200)
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