calling multiple things in functions

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calling multiple things in functions

Post by skyHights »

Adding to my long list of questions (you can probably guess what I'm doing by looking at them :P)

Anyway, to draw a polygon you just keep adding more and more points:

Code: Select all mode, ... )
How would you do that with a function, and is it possible to do that with two different variables, i.e.

Code: Select all

function a(b, c)
      -- do whatever

a(b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i)
Kinda like that?

And then how would you handle them?

(also, how would one go about see their previous topics created?)
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Re: calling multiple things in functions

Post by Nixola »

You can define a "vararg" (that's their name, if I recall correctly) function like this:

Code: Select all

function a(b, c, ...)
  local args = {...} --not required, you could use the select function instead of a table
  --do whatever
The three dots inside the function will be a list of the arguments "past" b and c; so if you called a(1, 2, 6, "foo", nil, "bar") the second line will behave as if it was `local args = {6, "foo", nil, "bar"}`.
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Re: calling multiple things in functions

Post by ivan »

The easiest way would be:

Code: Select all

function a(...)
  local t = { ... }
  -- t[1] = first parameter, t[2] = second parameter, etc
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Re: calling multiple things in functions

Post by Positive07 »

Try this too!

Code: Select all

a = function (...)
   for i=1, select("#", ...) do
      local var = select(i, ...)

a("whatever", 1, {}, function () end, 3239, 0xff, "0x00", a)
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