[TOOL] LÖVERocks - A package manager manager

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Re: [TOOL] LÖVERocks - A package manager manager

Post by alloyed »

So I just published 0.0.6, which is enough of a change IMO to mention.

Notably, it now works on Windows, for a certain definition of "works". I can run and use it normally on my Windows 8 desktop, although a lot of the tests still fail and I have no doubt there are probably still serious bugs.

To do that, the whole method of invoking luarocks had to be revamped: now instead of calling it from the command line, we instead just take advantage of the fact that luarocks is installed like any other package and just require() the parts we need from directly. This is, surprisingly, a net negative in hacks and workarounds, and it should make it possible to implement things that aren't directly implemented in luarocks.

Also, I wrote a native library loader that mimics the one in love.filesystem, so packages that depend on C code like LPEG or luafilesystem should now just work. Actually packaging the libraries is still something I have to think about, but so long as they are a real file, either in the game's install dir or save dir, the loader will pick up on them.
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Re: [TOOL] LÖVERocks - A package manager manager

Post by alloyed »

changelog for 0.0.8
* Bumped default love version to 0.10.0, luarocks version to 2.3.0. Old versions should still work.
* Configuration is now stored directly in your conf.lua. documentation here.
* Loverocks should now automatically handle upgrades/downgrades in both Love and loverocks
* Two new commands: `loverocks modules` will print all the modules that you can require() from your project, and `loverocks path` will set the lua system path to match love's. I use both for doing autocompletion, but both are general enough to be used for whatever
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Joined: Thu May 28, 2015 8:45 pm

Re: [TOOL] LÖVERocks - A package manager manager

Post by alloyed »

changelog for 0.1.0
I haven't had to change loverocks for a really long time, so I figured I should give it a "stable" version bump. It still doesn't do everything it could, but I'm happy with what it has right now.
  • LOVE 0.10.1 and 0.10.2, and luarocks 2.4.1 are directly supported.
  • --game allows you to specify which game you'd like to manage. It works for both for folders and .love files.
  • In situations where your program is both an app and a library, (say the app is a demo for the library) you can now use a traditional rockspec file. Just place it in the base directory, like you would for luarocks make.
  • misc bugfixes/code cleanup
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