Time Travelling Debugger.

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Time Travelling Debugger.

Post by appleide »

I saw Elm's time travelling debugger http://debug.elm-lang.org/edit/Mario.elm, and wondered if it's possible to build it for Lua & Love2D. So I built a prototype. https://github.com/meric/l2l/blob/maste ... s/sample09

You can edit the game's code (in mario.lua) while the game is running, and it will apply the changes retroactively. You can also pause the game and go backwards and forwards in time. Another feature is the game code looks very normal and doesn't look especially written for the debugger. https://github.com/meric/l2l/blob/maste ... /mario.lua.

If you make mario faster in the code, in the game, the state would change so it would be as if mario would be faster from the very beginning all along.

You can git clone the l2l project, and go into sample09 and run it using

Code: Select all

love .
What do you think? Do you think it's possible to toughen the prototype debugger up, and optimise it a bit, so people can use it for Love2D development? Or is it too burdened with extra function calls and make it infeasible? Is retroactively applying changes helpful, or hurts more than helps?
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