
An object which can gradually decode a sound file.


Decoder:cloneCreate new copy of existing decoder.
Decoder:decodeDecodes a chunk of audio data to a SoundData.
Decoder:getBitDepthReturns the number of bits per sample.
Decoder:getBitsReturns the number of bits per sample.
Decoder:getChannelCountReturns the number of channels in the stream.
Decoder:getChannelsReturns the number of channels in the stream.
Decoder:getDurationGets the duration of the sound file.
Decoder:getSampleRateReturns the sample rate of the Decoder.
Decoder:seekSets the currently playing position of the Decoder.
Object:releaseImmediately destroys the object's Lua reference.
Object:typeGets the type of the object as a string.
Object:typeOfChecks whether an object is of a certain type.



See Also

Other Languages