
Can be used to draw text on screen.


Font:getAscentGets the ascent of the Font in pixels.
Font:getBaselineGets the baseline of the Font in pixels.
Font:getDPIScaleGets the DPI scale factor of the Font.
Font:getDescentGets the descent of the Font in pixels.
Font:getFilterGets the filter mode for a font.
Font:getHeightGets the height of the Font in pixels.
Font:getKerningGets the kerning between two characters in the Font.
Font:getLineHeightGets the line height.
Font:getWidthDetermines the width of the given text.
Font:getWrapGets formatting information for text, given a wrap limit.
Font:hasGlyphsGets whether the Font can render a character or string.
Font:setFallbacksSets other Fonts to use if this Font doesn't have a specific character.
Font:setFilterSets the filter mode for a font.
Font:setLineHeightSets the line height.

See Also