Difference between revisions of "SoundData:setSample"

(Example: Play a sine wave: play something that sounds closer to music)
m (Example: Generate notes with a sine wave: rephrase comment bit)
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local bits        =            16 -- 8 bits results in very low quality sound
local bits        =            16 -- 8 bits results in very low quality sound
local channels    =            2 -- löve only supports mono or stereo
local channels    =            2 -- löve only supports mono or stereo
local buffercount  =            2 -- probably better to use fewer buffers
local buffercount  =            2 -- don't need too many buffers
local qsource      = love.audio.newQueueableSource(samplerate, bits, channels, buffercount)
local qsource      = love.audio.newQueueableSource(samplerate, bits, channels, buffercount)
local samplepoints = samplerate/10 -- how many numbers does one buffer hold
local samplepoints = samplerate/10 -- how many numbers does one buffer hold

Revision as of 22:24, 24 November 2021

Sets the value of the sample-point at the specified position. For stereo SoundData objects, the data from the left and right channels are interleaved in that order.



SoundData:setSample( i, sample )


number i
An integer value specifying the position of the sample (starting at 0).
number sample
The normalized samplepoint (range -1.0 to 1.0).




Available since LÖVE 11.0
This variant is not supported in earlier versions.

Sets the value of a sample using an explicit sample index instead of interleaving them in the sample position parameter.


SoundData:setSample( i, channel, sample )


number i
An integer value specifying the position of the sample (starting at 0).
number channel
The index of the channel to set within the given sample.
number sample
The normalized samplepoint (range -1.0 to 1.0).



Example: Generate notes with a sine wave

local tau          =   math.pi * 2
local samplerate   =         44100 -- Hz
local bits         =            16 -- 8 bits results in very low quality sound
local channels     =             2 -- löve only supports mono or stereo
local buffercount  =             2 -- don't need too many buffers
local qsource      = love.audio.newQueueableSource(samplerate, bits, channels, buffercount)
local samplepoints = samplerate/10 -- how many numbers does one buffer hold
local buffer       = love.sound.newSoundData(samplepoints, samplerate, bits, channels)
local phase        =           0.0
local frequency    =        220.00 -- Hz
local amplitude    =           0.5 -- 50%

local function synth()
    phase = phase + (tau * frequency / samplerate)
    return math.sin(phase) * amplitude

function love.update(dt)
    while qsource:getFreeBufferCount() > 0 do
        for i = 0, samplepoints - 1 do
            buffer:setSample(i, synth())

function love.keypressed(key)
    if key == 'k' then
        frequency = frequency * 2^(1/12)
    elseif key == 'j' then
        frequency = frequency * 2^(-1/12)

See Also

Other Languages