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Revision as of 20:45, 18 November 2010

Create a prismatic joints between two bodies.

A prismatic joint constrains two bodies to move relatively to each other on a specified axis. It does not allow for relative rotation. Its definition and operation are similar to a revolute joint, but with translation and force substituted for angle and torque.



joint = love.physics.newPrismaticJoint( body1, body2, x, y, ax, ay )


Body body1
The first body to connect with a prismatic joint.
Body bdy2
The second body to connect with a prismatic joint.
number x
The x coordinate of the anchor point.
number y
The y coordinate of the anchor point.
number ax
The x coordinate of the axis vector.
number ay
The y coordinate of the axis vector.


Joint joint
The new prismatic joint.

See Also

Other Languages