

Converts tables into strings. That way you can save tables to files, or send them across a network. Currently only supports tables with keys that are strings or numbers, and values that are strings, numbers, tables, or booleans.

  • TSerialize(table) returns a string of the Lua code which will recreate the table.
  • To deserialize, use loadstring("table="..serial)().


Can zip and unzip strings, reducing their size. A good way to save bandwidth when sending strings across a network. Please note: Do not write compressed strings to a file, since they can't be read correctly by Love 0.7.0 due to a file-reading bug.

  • TLibCompress.CompressLZW(string) returns a zipped string
  • TLibCompress.UncompressLZW(string) returns an unzipped version of a zipped string


TLTools on Github