Search by property

This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Description" with value "Arguments-20to-20love.event.push()-20and-20the-20like". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 25 results starting with #1.

View (previous 50 | next 50) (20 | 50 | 100 | 250 | 500)


List of results

  • Event (Česky)  + (Argumenty k love.event.push() a jí podobným.)
  • Event (Slovenský)  + (Argumenty pre funkciu love.event.push() a iné.)
  • SpriteBatch (Português)  + (Armazena uma geometria em um buffer e desenha em uma única chamada.)
  • luasort  + (Array sorting algorithms)
  • ParticleSystem:stop (Français)  + (Arrête l'émetteur de particule, remet à zéro le compteur de durée de vie.)
  • KeyColor  + (Associate keys with colors and press-hold them right in 30 seconds!)
  • Body:setUserData  + (Associates a Lua value with the Body.)
  • Joint:setUserData  + (Associates a Lua value with the Joint.)
  • Fixture:setUserData  + (Associates a Lua value with the fixture.)
  • Astray  + (Astray is a lua based maze, room and dungeon generation library for dungeon crawlers and rougelike video games.)
  • Astray (日本語)  + (Astray は Lua による地下迷宮探求者およびローグ風ビデオゲーム向けの迷路、密室および地下迷宮生成用ライブラリです。)
  • love.physics.newRectangleShape (Português)  + (Atalho para criar um PolygonShapes retangular.)
  • Joint  + (Attach multiple bodies together to interact in unique ways.)
  • Joint (Português)  + (Attach multiple bodies together to interact in unique ways.)
  • Joint (Français)  + (Attache plusieurs [[Body (Français)|Body]] (corps) ensemble, afin d'interagir de façon unique.)
  • Mesh:attachAttribute (Français)  + (Attache un attribut de vecteur à ce maillage, depuis un autre maillage, afin de l'utilisé lors du tracé. Permet optionnellement des attributs par [[ (Français)|instance]].)
  • SpriteBatch:attachAttribute (Français)  + (Attache un attribut par vecteur depuis un [[Mesh (Français)|maillage]] dans ce SpriteBatch, pour l'utilisation lors du tracé.)
  • SpriteBatch:attachAttribute  + (Attaches a per-vertex attribute from a [[Mesh]] onto this SpriteBatch, for use when drawing.)
  • Mesh:attachAttribute  + (Attaches a vertex attribute from a different Mesh onto this Mesh, for use when drawing. Optionally allows per-[[|instance]] attributes.)
  • love.sound.newDecoder  + (Attempts to find a decoder for the encoded sound data in the specified file.)
  • Thread:wait (Français)  + (Attend qu'un fil d'exécution se termine.)
  • (Français)  + (Attend que des [[enet.event (Français)|event]] (évènements), envoient ou reçoivent n'importe quel paquet préparé.)
  • World:update (Português)  + (Atualiza o estado do mundo.)
  • ParticleSystem:update (Português)  + (Atualiza o sistema de partículas; movendo, criando e matando partículas.)
  • Autumn (日本語)  + (Autumn はゲームというより、心の安らぐ環境がある魂の記憶と成長のためのくつろぎの空間です。)